The error in the attached image shows on startup of the robot and drives wont enable and cant change between T1,T2 and auto.
KRC4 startup
Ruddock984 -
October 13, 2020 at 11:51 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
Shut down the robot, and check the green cables inside its controller. Maybe disconnect and connect them again.
Switch on the robot again an see if the problem persists. If yes, maybe You will need to check Your workvisual project.
There are a lot of other messages as well that might be useful to analyse your problem.
Hi, checked cables and all looks good. Attached is more error codes.
Not too sure about checking workvisual as never have used this
Was this robot running previously, or its been commissioned right now?
the robot has been running before last week, powering up this week is showing all these errors
You have some bus errors related with robot's internal network. If you have an recent backup/archive, I would recommend You try to restore it.
What is the KSS of this robot, by the way?
kss 8.3
can you show all messages instead of only most recent ones? it would be helpful to see what message started it all...
also was there any attempt to activate different WoV project?
and did you reboot after playing with the cables?
that was the only messages i got. no attempt to activate different WOV projects. Robot was fully rebooted after playing with cables
Hi Ruddock,
I had some similar errors once.
Try clean each one of then to figure out witch is blocking the startup.
SX-44 refers to the etherCAT. Maybe U have some beckhoff remote IO or other device. Check the ethernet cables. Maybe if you install xml files and download again. They usuallydo not block startup.
You have a RDC error, check the feedback cables from robot.
SX-48 refers to internal communications between boards of the controller. They do block startup. Try to replace ethernet cables.
Happened to me once, one intermittent problem of these. After a lot o digging, we have to replace de SIB module. For my luck, the robot was in the warrant period.
well... it is pretty clearly stated what info could be useful, why and how to ask for help : READ FIRST...
then in this thread it was asked several times to share info like show messages, specifically older ones, tell exact KSS version (which is still not shared, we only know it is one of many 8.3) etc.
i don't know why but... it is like pulling teeth...
there are always people refusing to follow through and share info that may help their own case... go figure
rest of error codes
Marcelo Reboucas have no experience with installing xml file although robot does contain beckoff I/O
this type of messages indicates hardware/software configuration mismatch. usually this happens when image or WoV project of different robot is deployed or when network connections are mixed up. it can also happen spontaneously when system is not maintained, batteries are low and power is switched off. good luck.
prior to this issue, i was getting major electrical maintenance due notifications and was told when the robot was commissioned the 2nd time that batteries need changed. i wasn't involved in the original set up and have no idea if the robot has been maintained at all. my guess it that it wasnt as it has sat with no use for near 4 years
If powering controller down for long time batteries must me disconnected. if controller was shut down for few weeks while batteries remain connected (CCU.X305), then they will be not just drained - they will be dead.
If powering controller down for long time batteries must me disconnected. if controller was shut down for few weeks while batteries remain connected (CCU.X305), then they will be not just drained - they will be dead.
Hi I’m just learning through these blogs. What batteries are you referring to? Are there batteries in the teach pendant or are there batteries in the control cabinet?
please when you quote me, don't change or add your onw words to the quote.
check your robot documentation for details. for most systems already out there, SLA batteries are inside the controller. But with KRC5 they are external.