I have a robot that doesn't want to move in Manual mode with the door open.
Everything works fine in AUTO and I'm able to move the robot in MANUAL with the door closed. But as quick as I open the door, I can no longer move the robot.
The door is wired to the AUTO STOP (AS). I have verified that the security input goes from 1 to 0 on AS 1 and AS 2 when opening the port.
When opening the port in manual I get this message (Sorry for the French)
Arrêt provoqué par une protection
2022-01-20 16:49:43
Le système est dans l’état Arrêt provoqué par une protection. Le système s’arrête après être passé du mode automatique au mode manuel, soit après l’ouverture du circuit Moteurs en marche déclenchée par un arrêt d’urgence, un arrêt général, un arrêt automatique ou un arrêt supérieur ou si la gâchette de validation a été relâchée en mode manuel. {args: }
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here and I would love a hint on how to trouble shoot this problem.
I have a :
IRC5 with robotware
I'm not sure when this problem occurred. But I did expanded the working area safeZone a few months back. But I fail to see how that could have any impact.
I have changed some stuff. I have removed a light curtain that was in the chain that was connected together with two ports on the AS input. I get the same problem with the two ports. Anyway, I went over the electrics several times and the inputs AS1/AS2 seem to work fine.