I have a fanuc M-430iA with a Fanuc R-30iA controller and a sony xc-56.
I'm trying to set up a vision system where the robot picks up wooden blocks (with different letters on it) from a conveyer belt and puts them into a specific order to form a name.
To test some basic things I thought I'd test the process without the belt moving to make sure the camera can find the blocks and that the robot gets the correct locations and can pick them up.
I've found a iRvision manual and these are the steps I've done:
• Setup a camera (on internet explorer)
• Setup a line (on internet explorer)
• Performed visual tracking Grid calibration (on internet explorer)
• Attached a pointer to the end gripper and set up a tool frame (on the controller)
• Performed 4 point Grid calibration to setup a user frame (on the controller) --> User frame 6
• Created a vision system and masked one of the letters. --> 'LETTERS', when I press snap&find the block is detected at all times.
• Created a program
• Set a reference point (on internet explorer) and then moved the robot to this posisition for P[2]
The program looks like this:
J P[3] 100% FINE <-- random point 'home position'
J P[1] 30% FINE VOFFSET, VR[2] <-- point above the block
L P[2] 40mm/sec FINE VOFFSET, VR[2] <-- Grip position
What happens is:
When I don't move the wooden block, the robot will run trough the program and perfectly go to the same point and pick up the block.
So the letter is being recognised etc.
However, when I rotate the block the robot will go to a completely different position, or can't even reach the position (error).
And sometimes when I move the block linear (for example in the x-direction) the robot will move in the other direction (y-direction) withouth logic.
Does anyone have a clue what the problem can be, or that there is a proper manual apart from the iRvision manual?
Thanks in advance!