we have worked with KAWASAKI robots from the last 25 years. We had several model JS30 with control AD-HQ and servo board 1GE. We have the KAWASAKI servo driver (diskette) for this board and AD-HQ control.
Now, in the last weeks, we are conditioning one JS30 with AD control for practices and teaching.
The robot moves fine, but I have one question: The servo board is 1AE and we have not software for servo drive (diskette), like we have in AD-HQ control.
Is there a servo driver software for AD control? I've asked for several friends which worked with AD control, and they don't remember this diskette.
If there is for JS30 in AD, where we can get it? Because KAWASAKI doen't give support for AD nowadays.
Somebody has experience with AD controls? Did you had servo driver diskette?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards