More friendly iPendant Customization

Software Request to Fanuc - the robot forum bugs and wish list
Werner Hampel -
August 17, 2019 at 11:12 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
There is one thing which is very missing. Space-check areas in 4D position display. I cant see that in the 3D on pendant, only in Roboguide, and it would be useful in every application which i am programming
Stop being stingy with manuals and the ability to download roboguide without having to login and request... I can get robot studio and rapid syntax manual anytime anywhere.
My Fanuc Roboguide software is giving license corrupted error that is because I think 30 days trial period is over. What can be done so that I can use this software again? I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but still, it didn't work. Please provide a solution to this today itself because I have to do a project on it in 1 day. Thank you in advance.
Trial periods are there for a reason, do not ask in a public forum how to circumvent these measures or your membership here may be short lived.
Contact Fanuc themselves and ask them how to extend your trial period if possible.
.. What can be done so that I can use this software again?..
You can buy a license.
Fully supported version of the old IRMATH karel program would be cool. I can't find it anymore, outside of one for robots with vision, for some odd reason.
Thought of another one, from a usability stand point. Allow me to change from IF (...), JMP LBL[...] to IF (...), THEN or back without having to retype in all the conditionals.
Global and local variables, structures, arrays, being able to return values from functions.
Get the possibility to name points.
Proper if/else, select clauses. Remove the need to jump and allow to branch normally.
Remove line numbers.
Remove the ";" after comments.
Remove the need of an empty line at the end of the programs.
A watch window.
Faster interface.
A proper editor.
An improved error list.
Being able to obtain a trial version of Roboguide without a F number. Trial versions are meant to be trials so you can "try before you buy." in the case of Roboguide, you have to have already bought a robot and have an F number so you can request a trial license.
Compatibility with Google Chrome, or anything other than Internet Explorer.
This might have been changed in more recent versions, but V7.7, and I believe 8.30 only seem to support Internet Explorer to view the pendant in a web browser.
Add the Align function like on the STAUBLI robots to align the tool perfectly and quickly. I've created a program but each time I have to add it to the robots I'm integrating. So if it could be put directly on it that would be great.
Compatibility with Google Chrome, or anything other than Internet Explorer.
This might have been changed in more recent versions, but V7.7, and I believe 8.30 only seem to support Internet Explorer to view the pendant in a web browser.
It's possible, at least from version V9 and possibly late V8 versions.
Bug reports also? Bug reports would fill entire books!
Compatibility with a space mouse would be most helpful. In all my other software, I can manipulate 3D objects with my handy dandy space mouse... not Roboguide. I have to go back to using a standard mouse, and it's very clunky at best.
direct connection to the controller via ethernet and use of roboguide as a normal editor, just like ABB does it with roboguide
The ability to use string registers in mixed logic IF statements instead of being forced to use the old IF.... JMP LBL[] to check a string reg.
Compare functions, Online / offline (software in Roboguide VS real robot)
Compare functions, Online / offline (software in Roboguide VS real robot)
Honestly, something equivalent to KUKA WorkVisual or ABB RobotStudio (free version) would be stellar. RoboGuide is a powerful tool, but far too expensive for every programmer to have a license. Fanuc is definitely behind their major competition when it comes to having a nice free tool for configuring and debugging robots.
Some sort of KAREL editor/compiler that doesn't require the $$$ RG would be nice, too -- as it stands, buying the KAREL option for a Fanuc robot is nearly useless unless you also buy RG.
Show when step mode is enabled while using the regular TP on the tablet with a CRX. It is only visible with the new style editor in the play menu.