Software Request to Fanuc - the robot forum bugs and wish list

  • There is one thing which is very missing. Space-check areas in 4D position display. I cant see that in the 3D on pendant, only in Roboguide, and it would be useful in every application which i am programming :smiling_face:

  • My Fanuc Roboguide software is giving license corrupted error that is because I think 30 days trial period is over. What can be done so that I can use this software again? I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but still, it didn't work. Please provide a solution to this today itself because I have to do a project on it in 1 day. Thank you in advance.


    Trial periods are there for a reason, do not ask in a public forum how to circumvent these measures or your membership here may be short lived.

    Contact Fanuc themselves and ask them how to extend your trial period if possible.

  • Thought of another one, from a usability stand point. Allow me to change from IF (...), JMP LBL[...] to IF (...), THEN or back without having to retype in all the conditionals.

    Check out the Fanuc position converter I wrote here! Now open source!

    Check out my example Fanuc Ethernet/IP Explicit Messaging program here!


    Global and local variables, structures, arrays, being able to return values from functions.

    Get the possibility to name points.

    Proper if/else, select clauses. Remove the need to jump and allow to branch normally.

    Remove line numbers.

    Remove the ";" after comments.

    Remove the need of an empty line at the end of the programs.


    A watch window.

    Faster interface.

    A proper editor.

    An improved error list.


  • Being able to obtain a trial version of Roboguide without a F number. Trial versions are meant to be trials so you can "try before you buy." in the case of Roboguide, you have to have already bought a robot and have an F number so you can request a trial license.

  • Compatibility with Google Chrome, or anything other than Internet Explorer.

    This might have been changed in more recent versions, but V7.7, and I believe 8.30 only seem to support Internet Explorer to view the pendant in a web browser.

  • Compatibility with Google Chrome, or anything other than Internet Explorer.

    This might have been changed in more recent versions, but V7.7, and I believe 8.30 only seem to support Internet Explorer to view the pendant in a web browser.

    It's possible, at least from version V9 and possibly late V8 versions.

  • Compatibility with a space mouse would be most helpful. In all my other software, I can manipulate 3D objects with my handy dandy space mouse... not Roboguide. I have to go back to using a standard mouse, and it's very clunky at best.

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