X311 jumper is there on CCU.

KRC4 Profinet Controller
robot-cnc -
March 26, 2024 at 8:40 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
on safety configuration activation
Sorry for the wrong term for "StartupMode", english isn't my native language.
You must login as "safety maintenance technican", then it should be possible to activate without code. And you should deactivate "safe controlling" (also don't know the correct entry in safety configuration in english) for the first time.
Thank you, I solved yes logged as safety maintenance, now in Start Up mode robot moves
A small step ahead.
I wait for PLC S7 1200 F with SM1 input module .
Any help to set it in TIA Portal will be useful.
What Skyfire said, to close signals that not being used, and to set E-stop signal
just follow the manual (SafeOperation - chapter 8).
if SafeOperation is not activated, you only need to worry about first two bytes of safe IO.
and the default is to keep the signals TRUE unless there is a trip.
And one thing about ProfiNet is that device name must match...
you mean I can add Kuka Extension bus SYS 44 with EK1100 and its E-bus....and Profinet can be deactivated , if I only want using Ethercat I/O?
What about Safety Interface, cause this KRC4 has no X11 and SIB?
It has though A1-X311 jumpers on CCU.
The others had SIB and X11 where I was using external emergency stop only.
Deactivation of Profinet do not inactivated also Profisafe safety?
On the other hand, I think I did a wrong movement in Workvisual when I loaded the controller project, there was in Option many folders with Ethernet KRL2.2, Profinet 3.2, Safe Operation 3.22,....and few others, and I removed them . They flew out from D too. All from from cabinet attached labels photo.
There is any chance to work without them?
Being a new controller I think they were in Options but not installed.
What is mandatory to have ?
KRC4 is KSS 8.3.38
You cannot add 3.2 under Profinet like this. wrong configuration.
You cannot add 3.2 under Profinet like this. wrong configuration.
Everything is ok so far.
btw, you are likely to need some safety outputs as well.
is indeed outputs module needed too?
that is for you to decide...
normally for every robot cell there would be some sort of tooling / fixtures etc that are automated as well. chances are those would need to be controlled/disabled by some sort of safety circuit... and that means need for safety outputs.
for example your controller has optional pair of contactors that can power things only when robot drives are on (US2)
one of the annoyances with robots like Agilus is that there is no way to remove power to internal outputs by safety circuit. clear that is a design flaw... one has to jump through hoops to get robot tooling safe which defeats the purpose of having IO and volaves right at the wrist of the robot.
is indeed outputs module needed too?
Panic Mode is referring to Safety outputs. There is no module for those, they're built in when you have SafeOperation installed.. Either hardware outputs on the X11 and X13 connectors, or a set of ProfiSafe signals on the ProfiSafe connection.
In order for the Safety PLC to correctly control the robot's Safety inputs, it needs certain Safety status outputs from the robot. For example, if the robot is in any mode other than T1, and a light curtain is violated, you probably want to have the PLC open the robot safeties. But the only Safety rated means the PLC has to know what Mode the robot is in, is to use the robot's Safety output signals. Using a non-Safe signals like $T1, $T2, $AUT, and $EXT in a PLC's Safety program is not legal.
what safety output module do you consider suitable for S7-1200F , aside to SM 1226 input Profisafe? 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
Similar SM1226 has only 4 outputs.Are they enough for safety Profisafe(replace of X11)
For the rest of I/O commands , spindle start/stop, pneumatic, electrovalves....etc will use EK1100 Ethercat .
what safety output module do you consider suitable for S7-1200F , aside to SM 1226 input Profisafe? 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
Similar SM1226 has only 4 outputs.Are they enough for safety Profisafe(replace of X11)
None of those are needed for ProfiSafe on a KRC. ProfiSafe signals on a KRC are all network I/O, no hardware. The only requirements are:
1.the KRC4 has ProfiSafe installed
2. the PLC controlling the robot is a ProfiSafe PLC.
Everything else is software and configuration.
but, KRC4 has Profinet 3.2 installed, therefore should have Profisafe since tgere is no X11 interface.
That is why I got Fail Safe plc, Safety input....to use them instead X11
yup.... you can have bunch of standard IO on your robot or PLC, and you can have safety rated IO, or both.
on the robot side assigned safety IO functionality is fixed - you cannot change it.
so if this does not work for your application, you need the PLC (or whatever safety controller you are using) to be flexible here....
You can have standard outputs on your EtherCat interface (EK1100+EL2xxx or whatever).
but if they need to be enabled by safety, your PLC will need a safety output module.
then one of those safety outputs from the PLC can be used to deliver power to the ECAT outputs...
then it does not matter what the user programs ECAT outputs to do, safety circuit can withdraw power and all of those outputs are practically dead.
sadly KUKA did not consider this when making Agilus... or Agilus-2...or IIWA...
because they did not provide option to power the outputs that are built into the arm from some safety circuit...
having IO there looks neat at the tradeshows and in marketing brochures but the implementation is actually a design flaw that completely defeats the purpose of having outputs and valves built into the arm.
on the robot side assigned safety IO functionality is fixed - you cannot change it.
so if this does not work for your application, you need the PLC (or whatever safety controller you are using) to be flexible here....What I understood so far, on my Profinet Controller KRC4, having ProfinetController/Device 3.2 installed and no X11 safety interface, to make robot moving except in Startup Mode, where I was able to move it, I need a Safety Siemens CPU fail safe and input safety module , to be able to close circuits as in X 11 standalone diagram. Here I was using only to add external emergency button.
To be able in my KRC4 Profinet to close similar those signals as in X11, I have to set inputs byte 0 and byte 1 .They should be setted as active to have close circuits.
Also here external emergency button can be setted , when is pressed robot to stop
I do not use any Safe Operation even software is installed.I don't need monitoring.
You can have standard outputs on your EtherCat interface (EK1100+EL2xxx or whatever).
but if they need to be enabled by safety, your PLC will need a safety output module.
my ethercat don't need to be enabled by safety, neither power.
I feed with 24 VDC from controller, and EL 2xxxx output commands from src program external inverter, electrovalves, pneumatics.
I also used EL1xxxx to control robot for example, if no holder in spindle, to not allow spindle start.
At this moment I need to have a safety interface to allow me robot moving.
For this scope I need aside S7-1200 fail safe, SM 1226 input safety and an SM1226 output safety module as hardware to close safety Profisafe, similar with X11 interface?
"EL 2xxxx output commands from src program external inverter, electrovalves, pneumatics."
of course that is possible but i am just trying to point out that in most cases that is not right. safety is not just there to have something to throw money at, but to meet established standards and ultimately protect human life and limb. i do not know your setup but spindle can be very dangerous and if it can be activated at random using src, it is a death trap. that is the whole point of the safety circuits - things are redundant, monitored and cross checked, designed to enable or disable some function REGARDLESS of SRC state and - it is tamper proof (safety checksum, password protection). basically everything that SRC is not...
failure to do make designs safe makes you responsible and liable, but maybe you live in a place where human life is not valued or you do not care if the police comes knocking in the middle of the night because someone got harmed by equipment that you put together. over the years i have seen some incidents and near misses and for me things are clear - i do not care if person is taking chances and gets harmed due his own negligence. but i do care when someone is harmed because someone else was negligent and i do not wish to be on either side of it (do not want to harm others or be harmed)
but, KRC4 has Profinet 3.2 installed, therefore should have Profisafe since tgere is no X11 interface.
Yes, that is correct. If you have ProfiSafe, then no Safety I/O hardware modules are required between the KRC4 and the Safety PLC. X11 and X13 are replaced by ProfiSafe signals.
imagine that I care about human life and of course exists fenced working space, external emergency button that stop both robot and spindle. Operator is instructed and is the only person nearby robot.Acces in the area is forbiden. All programs before real running are simulated in CAM software. If anything wrong, collisions,.... are corrected before send it be executed. And I never seen a robot to move randomly by itself.
Src program is checked therfore.
Spindle as any other CNC machine cannot save you if u put your hand on tool .In that case, yes is dangerous. But people working with CNC machine are instructed and they have to respect rules.
I know what I have to do .
Spindle manufacturer put some sensors on spindle which are connected as Inputs to protect eventually wrong tool clamping, situation when motor do not start or stop.
There are protective controlling measures , except if you want harm yourself.
Can you please to point my previous posting?
Thank you
Can you please to point my previous posting?
Thank you
You asked about Safety I/O modules, which makes no sense in the context of a KRC4 running SafeOperation and a Safety PLC. What point are you asking us to address?
as was stated before, all data exchange between PLC and KRC is done over fieldbus (ProfiNet with ProfiSafe).
the only time your PLC needs addtional IO modules is when you have specific thing to connect.
you only add modules as needed to allow connecting of devices you need to have.
if your application does not require safety outputs, then you do not need the safety output module.
in this case you mentioned that you only need a single EStop connected. for that you will need just one safety input module.
if you want to add more devices (cell doors, light curtains, ...) you may not have enough of inputs on single SM1226 so you would add another one as needed...