Hello, this is my first post here, I’ll try to give the information as accurate and complete as possible and try to explain my question the best I can.
I have a KR210 and a KRC4 (8.3.37) that I want to control via PROFINET (also using the PROFIsafe interface) with a S7-1200 1214 FC DC/DC/DC. I use WorkVisual 6.0 and TIA Portal V17 for configuration and programming.
I’ve been able to establish PROFINET communication with the PLC. Meaning: IP’s and Device names have been correctly stablished, mapping has been configured, and I’ve been able to read and write values from the non-safe PROFINET I/Os and see how they were also having an effect on the Teach Pendant I/O Visualization window.
In the KRC4 side, I’ve used PROFINET 3.3 and activated PROFIsafe (2.4). The procedure in WorkVisual was: set the parameters in the PROFINET tab, set the parameters in the Safety Control tab, map the PROFINET I/Os (PROFIsafe I/Os are hard-mapped) and keep in mind the security ID Address for the configuration in TIA Portal.
In the PLC side, I’ve added the GSDML file for the KRC4-PROFINET-3.3, connected it to the PLC in the device and networks tab, and stablished the corresponding names and IP addresses. I’ve also set the F_Dest_Add parameter (inside the properties of the 64 safe digital i/os in the KRC4 controller) to 7 as in the Profinet Safety ID in WorkVisual.
What I’m trying now is to get the robot into the AUT EXT mode and be able to control both the Safe outputs and the mapped (not safe) outputs with the inputs given from the PLC.
For example, from the KUKA System Software 8 Robot Programming 1 Anex 14, there is a collection of signals used for the protocol to link the PLC and the robot in the AUT EXT mode.
In the manual KUKA Profinet 3.3 for KUKA System Software 8.3 and 8.4 section 5.8 Safety Interface via PROFIsafe, the input and output safe bytes description is given.
Some of them, for example, Byte 0 Bit 2: Operator safety, resembles the one $USER_SAF from the document previously mentioned.
Here are some of the questions I have:
Are the AUT EXT predefined signals ($USER_SAF, $STOP_MESS,…) always required for the AUTO EXT communication and operation?
Which is the purpose of the safe signals then? Can I get to the AUT EXT with them?
Can I get the AUTO EXT to work, without physical safety components installed (I know it’s not recommendable and dangerous), but forcing both safe and non-safe outputs from the PLC (inputs in the KRC, like USER_SAF or Byte0_bit2_BS)?
If the SafeOperation package is installed, is it mandatory to set all the reserved bits to 1? Are there any bits that, if not used, should be set to 1?
I have seen different errors in the Teach Pendant, but my main focus now is to understand better these concepts and what more I may be missing in terms of configuration and pre-defined values settings. Once that is addressed, I’ll may post more info related to specific errors.
Please, feel free to ask anything regarding unclear or misleading information, any help is well appreciated. Thanks in advance.