Solved reinstalling KSS 8 6
Password are now by default "kuka" on all levels.
Solved reinstalling KSS 8 6
Password are now by default "kuka" on all levels.
I got a robot KR 240 KRC4 , KSS 8.6.6 that never been in production. Only 73 Hours.
Password for Safety Maintenance and Administrator levels is not kuka.
Operator, User, Expert, Safety Recovery Tehnician have kuka.
To Minimise HMI is not allowed wth these rights, probably need Administrator.
There is any way to get them without reinstalling KSS which set back kuka by default?
Kuka does it only in a service site meeting.
But Motor.xml file changes for resolver pole numbers has no effect.
It can be changed though going in Safety Configuration , Machine Data View, there can be changed the nominator for E1 motor pole pairs.
I tested the precision of E1 in positioning and is perfect changing 3 poles pairs instead 4.
If you run a PTP line with E1 90deg. table stop perfect with 3 poles pairs while if 4 pairs are used , table moves more than 90 deg.
Or, it is possible to set this encoder nominator for E1 in WOV at Local Safety Configuration as is shown in here:
I changed the motor poles pair number in motor "name".xml , 3 instead 4.
And also ecoder ratio [3/1] in same file.
The motor xml file must be identified that belong to rotary table motor.
Data changed was accepted and saved. I will check positiining precision after gearbox assembly.
ME_160_130_30_S0 (3kw) has 4 poles while 1FK 6081(2.83kw) has 3 poles.
Closer is MG_120_110_25_S0 which has 3 poles with 2.2 KW and I used previously with a KSP 3x40.
Working very well .
Now I want to control it with a KSP 3 x 20 even I downgrade from 2.83 kw at 2.4 kw as it has ME_110_130_40_S0 which allow KSP3 x20 as Kuka Motor Data KRC4 says, the problem is having 4 poles.
I wonder if it can be changed pole pair in KRC/Roboter/Config/User/Common/Motor/Motor"name".xml
Hello !f
I want to add from WOV the external kinematic drive for a rotary table using a KSP 3x20 to manage the motor.
My motor is a Kuka 1FK6081, 2.83 KW, with 3 poles.
From kinematic drives closest is ME_110_130_40_S0at 2.4 kw but 4 poles .
Because in machine.dat on KSS 8.6 there is anymore visible variable RAT_MOT_ENC[7]={N1,D3} is any possibility choosing ME_110_130_40_S0 but to change its poles number?
May I add in machine dat:
$RAT_MOT_ENC[7]={N 1,D 3}
[12] could be [1] or need to add all axis ?
Thank you
Solved. Yes , resolver motor poles was the cause.
My motor 1FK6081 has 3 poles while in external kinematic drive selected in WOV , motor was a 4 poles type.
Reconfigured E1 with MG_120_110_25_S0 that has 3 poles, setted the correct ratio RAT_MOT_Ax[7]= D107, N 1 and works fine now.
Found that 71050296 article on Kuka website is RG 700, GP_220_107_A4 with ratio 107 .
I am using a servomotor 1FK6081 art.00-100-596 that should have poles resolver 3.
When I selected in WOV rotary configuration I think this article was not found, so I went close but I think newer motors have 4 poles.
RAT_MOT_ENC are not visible in machine.dat kss 8.3 as it was in kss 5.6
Looking for solution.
Hello !
I am looking to find what ratio has a gearbox from an older KR 125 used on a rotary table. I found in machine.dat the ratio 1284:11but in robot wrist there was one more pinion gear that means 1284:11 is the ratio including that additionally pinion gear.
I have some photos from gearbox side adnotations data but do not know what they means, what gear type is.....
In my test resulted to be 80.2 : 1.
But I think need more precision cause on 90 deg rotation is ok but on more deg like a milling program inbthe end the rotary table do not return in 0, has a few deg error. Meaning decimal in my opinion.
It should be like 80.2xxxx....
Thank you in advance
Sorry, I solved.
When replace in WOV KPP and try to keep arrangement of KSP , line connection from KPP 2x40 to KSP 20 is continnous red. Unliked.
But I removed KSP 20 and 40 and added again in my wanted order KPP2x40, then KSP20 and last KSP 40.
Thus line became dotted between KPP2x40 and KSP20. Liked. I deployed project in controller and everything is ok, E1 motor move and no error appear.
I gave up on KPP 3x20 and returned to KPP 0 , everything is ok in this config.
I retried with a KPP 2x 40 A
When add KPP2x40 WOV put in this order:
If i open proposal and rearange as I have KSP order in KRC4, I get this configuration but it seems red line undotted is not liked, even project can be deployed in KRC4.
But same error about axis A5 and A6 defective brake return. They are checked, no defect.
Why is not liked this configuration?
Should I swap KSP driver in KRC4 to have them WOV liked order?
The KUKA KR C4 robot controller can be used to operate external axes in addition to the robot axes. There are different drive configurations available for this. The options include the corresponding KUKA Power Pack (KPP) with the integrated servo unit and the associated interface on the connector panel.
The following KPPs are available for external axis 7:
KPP with amplifier for one axis (KPP 600-20-1x40) Peak output current 1x40 A
KPP with amplifier for one axis (KPP 600-20-1x64) Peak output current 1x64 A
The following KPP is available for external axis 8:
KPP with amplifier for two axes (KPP 600-20-2x40) Peak output current 2x40 A
It seems that KPP 600-20 3x20A is not suitable for external axis.
if you changed drive mapping or made mistake to allow WoV to recommend or pick drive configuration for you, chances are that in WoV project robot is no longer connected to two KSPs but rather to KSP and KPP. so when you try to move robot, wrong drives and brake circuits are activated since internal cabinet wiring did not change.
Yes, I think something like that happens
Even I try to map robot axis with KSP 3x20 and KSP 3x40 and to keep free KPP 3x20 for external axis, WOV likes this configuration, move 4,5,6 on KPP 3X20
I swaped Phisicaly KPP drive , instead KPP 0 with KPP 3x20 to add an external axes.
For the moment external axis is not avsilable, will next.
Robot axis are connected on same drives KSP 3x20 and KSP 3x40, as they allways was.
I also changed drive mapping in WOV and deployed project in KRC4.
But I get those errors.
The KPP 3x 20 I took it from another KRC4 , newer ,where axis 4 5, 6 were connected through it. Here being only 2 drive KPP 3x20 and KSP 3x 40.
I think that KPP 3x20 need to have external axis assigned to it in mapping because having no assigned axis expect to be connected with 4,5,6.
Does it make sense?
I have this KRC4 with kss 8.3, driver configuration
KSP 3x20 KSP 3x40
I want to add instead KPP 0 a KPP 3x20 and it seems that not work, giving messages velocity exceeded in T1 error on A5, A6 brake.
With KPP 0 was ok, no error.
I think KPP 3x20 is the cause.Is probably unsuited FSOE.
Thank you for diagram.
SR1A and SR1B are ENA_A_24V and ENA_B_24V(safe output) or COROB_EN_A_24V and COROB_EN_B_24V(safe input) ?
I am thinking to use a regular RDW 2 , to jumper what is needed on ESC board ....remove kss 5.5.16 and install 5.6....with no Safe Operation.
Could CI3 Tech act as a CI3 standard?
Does it make sense this wiring on A1/X23 ?
I want to change on a safe robot kuka KR 60 KRC2 year 2012, with kss 5.5.16 the safe RDW with a new Standard RDW 2. I understood I have to do an A1 jumper plug in on ESC CI3 Tech from controller.
A1/X23 is the connection that link ESC board with safe RDW through cable X21.1 to X41.
There is any wiring diagram for A1/X23 ?
Is that enough to change safe robot to standard?