profisafe? this is not ProfiNet... the hardware you talk about is all EtherCat.

KRC4 Profinet Controller
robot-cnc -
March 26, 2024 at 8:40 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
of course, all hardware here are Ethercat fieldbus.
But the safety interface is Profisafe not X11.
I understand that all safety cyclic between RDC, Drivers, done internal in Profisafe.. each time when start for ex.
To send a swirch command from a push button Like E-stop emergency toward safety interface, signal must be logic as it asked by Profisafe, right?
For that signal must be converted in logic one passing through a PLC, that could be Beckoff EK1100 chain with different terminals.
Could EL1819 do that aside of a EL6910....intoduced in EK1100 row of other input and outputs terminals for different other tasks?
Or there is any simple way from push button to pass through a PLC directly wirh Profisafe interface?
.. Or there is any simple way from push button to pass through a PLC directly wirh Profisafe interface?
Yes, you just need to use a Siemens F-CPU as PLC. And of course a safe input module on that CPU.
I ordered a Siemens S7 1200F failsafe and an input digital module SB1221
The PLC comunication with KRC is Ethernet, but what slot is used in controller?
ok so PLC is safety rated but the input module SB1221 is not. this is just standard input module.
if you want to wire EStop, you need safety input module like 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
Therefore, to well understand S7-1220F CPU , 6ES7215-1AF40-0XB0 is ok being the PLC, but the input module should be 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0 profisafe digital input?
They ca be coupled together for Safety.
I attached each data pdf for PLC and input module both rated fail safe.
As I read if not this PLC connected the robot won't move, being the safety interface for Profinet/Profisafe controllers KRC4.
Then the PLC must be configured with TIA portal for E-stop inputs.
And the Siemens S7 1200 F with input module, need to be programmed?
I understood that in PlC will be copied the gdsml file from robot, but this is enough or need a program to instal in PLC?
Is needed TIA portal?
Is not a free software and not worths to buy only for one plc configuring.
Siemens guy told me could help me but need to give him the program , what the plc need to do.
I cannot imagine that a new kuka KRC4 Profinet is not able to be used without suplementary hardware to add such this PLC, software, ....and head ache.....
While X 11 variant is so easy to use.
don't blame robot. blame person that selected that configuration. each variant has its uses. buyer beware...
the E-stop button programming is not a problem, I am asking if PLC has to be programmed to be able to enable robot safety circuit RDC, KRC, Smartpad....and all starting cycle to enable robot move
I cannot imagine that a new kuka KRC4 Profinet is not able to be used without suplementary hardware to add such this PLC, software, ....and head ache.....
The KRC4 ProfiNet option can handle just about anything. But it depends on which options were purchased.
1. ProfiNet Device. KRC4 can only act as a PN Device, with no Scanner capability. Can do any non-Safe I/O with a PLC.
2. ProfiNet Scanner. KRC4 can act as PN Device and Scanner. Can do any non-Safe I/O.
3. ProfiSafe. Replaces X11. Requires Safety PLC to act as Scanner.
4. ProfiSafe with SafeOperation. Adds advanced Safety options and signals to basic ProfiSafe. Requires Safety PLC to act as Scanner.
It sounds like your KRC4 has Option #3. If I recall correctly, installing ProiSafe requires Options 1 or 2, but I could be recalling incorrectly. But if your robot has ProfiNet installed along with ProfiSafe, then you should be able to link as much non-Safe I/O as you want (up to a thousand or more signals) between the KRC4 and the PLC. The Safe I/O will be a separate set of, IIRC, 16 I/O.
The fastest way to determine what your KRC4 has installed is the Help menu on the pendant, or checking the AM.INI file inside an Archive backup.
I am asking if PLC has to be programmed to be able to enable robot safety circuit RDC, KRC, Smartpad....and all starting cycle to enable robot move
Yes, PLC must be programmed - PLC to KRC communication need to be established, PLC IO module(s) integrated, safety task created and programmed...
Check SafeOperation manual. It details what signals are necessary / available.
If you are not using SafeOperation, you only need to focus on first two bytes worth of signals to and from robot.
the E-stop button programming is not a problem, I am asking if PLC has to be programmed to be able to enable robot safety circuit RDC, KRC, Smartpad....and all starting cycle to enable robot move
RDC, KRC, Smartpad are all completely separate items in this context. There's no safety circuit involved on the RDC, or the SmartPad (aside from the SP's E-Stop and deadman, which are irrelevant when we're talking about external safety).
First you say "E-Stop button programming is not a problem" but then ask about PLC enabling the safety circuit. This is not consistent.
ProfiSafe replaces X11. As such, the Safety PLC must be programmed to replace the X11 signals. Signals that are not being used must still be "closed" by the PLC Safety program -- this is the equivalent of using jumper wires between pins on the X11 to satisfy the unused Safety signals. Just like X11, any signal that is not closed is treated as open/unsafe by the KRC.
Regarding "starting cycle", this works exactly the same as any non-Safe I/O setup. If you are using EXT mode, then the System I/O like $MOVE_ENABLE, $DRIVES_ON, $DRIVES_OFF, $EXT_START, $PRO_ACT, $PERI_RDY, etc, must be mapped in WorkVisual to the ProfiNet bus, and the PLC must be programmed to operate those signals correctly, no different than for a non-ProfiNet robot.
ProfiSafe replaces X11. As such, the Safety PLC must be programmed to replace the X11 signals. Signals that are not being used must still be "closed" by the PLC Safety program -- this is the equivalent of using jumper wires between pins on the X11 to satisfy the unused Safety signals. Just like X11, any signal that is not closed is treated as open/unsafe by the KRC.
This is what I need in fact, equivalency for X11 jumpers done with PLC , and external emergency stop activation.
First you say "E-Stop button programming is not a problem" but then ask about PLC enabling the safety circuit. This is not consistent.
I just wanted to say would not be a problem to configure in the PLC.
Controller type is KRC4 8.3 SDA
KRC4 controller SC4.1-TDA4.1 X217 which has Profinet Controller/Device 3.2
Attached info from AM.INI
I only added EK1100 , wired at 24 VDC and added A-X44 ethernet cable.
Rest of all is as it came.
You can move the robot in manual mode without PLC when you activate "setup mode".
You can do nearly everything in setup mode, but you can't do anything in T2, Aut and Ext.
hermann meant StartUp Mode (IBN). that is always an option - as long as safety interface is defined. in other words one can move robot and do some setup even before safety PLC is present and programmed. btw, you are likely to need some safety outputs as well.
I tried before and now again Start Up Mode, and cannot move, driver don't enable.
it should... your screenshot shows red banner on top of the smartPad so some safety interface is obviously defined...
do you have X311 jumper plug in the CCU?
did you activate safety configuration?
does deployed WoV project configuration match actual hardware and connections?