I'm getting stuck on setting up some background programs that I want to run on boot. One is a TP program, the other a KAREL program.
I've tried adding each of them to the Cold Start Autoexec option under SYSTEM>CONFIG. No dice. Nothing happens when I cold boot the robot -- no errors show up in the alarm history, the programs just don't run.
I also tried creating a CF file that would load and run both programs, and put it into the Autoexec option. Same (lack of) result.
Then I tried going to SETUP>BG LOGIC. That got some result, at least -- an error! "Invalid item for mixed logic." Is the number after the program name supposed to be a line number?
The odd thing is, I've been able to run both of these programs "normally" without issues. So there must be something specific to BG that doesn't like them, but I've got no idea what.