Posts by R47
HI Corey,
i think you are not able to change the size of a Variable after you load it into the robot... you need to create an new Variable with an length of[30] an replace the old Variable with the new one.
Hi luis,
depends on where you connect the brake.
If you connect on the external brakeunit.. it will be 2 or 3.. if not it's 1.
Hi Ktmark,
there are a lot possibilities to get better penetration.
-Torch angle
-distance between part and tip
-weld schedule (setting of your weld controller) -
You can login in different levels
I created something like this with Karel. Its possible.. if you need help just let me know
hi AK95,
how did you set Up the Group Mask of the new cell Program?
hi ktmark,
-robot to close to the part
-Systemvariable "Arc end check detect" = Off
-no chance to cool down the tip
Hi JohnG,
are you talking about ab brand new Cell or was the line running in the past? If not maybe wrong setting for the tables.
Hi Automationexperts,
If the beginning of your Weldseam is already out of position, i would suggest that you create a small Program-called on your arc-start Position (different Line-same Position number). Inside your programm you move from your current position with offset 3-5 mm in wire direktion and check with skip condition if the 24V from your Weldcontroller goes from 24V to 0V. That would means there is a part and you can Weld. if not set the systemvariabe Arc Enable to False ... on the end of your Seam turn the system Variable On again.
Hi wag_FFU,
is it a .Pc programm? maybe without a wait instruction inside.
did you tried SET_VAR(entry,'*SYSTEM*','$MNUFRAMENUM[your group]','your_frame:integer,status)
that should work
Hi Frank,
you could Call your Karel program in a new created Macro, which you activate with a Flag or DI.
...Its not a code like an Password.. its a code like "coding".
if necessary.. try to know what happens inside the code and rewrite it in .TP. or your own karel.
or work around in another way.
Hi AnandTUD,
did you set Menu-->NEXT-->SYSTEM-->Config-->Allow Force I/O in Auto mode == True?
i think thats your solution.
And don't forget to change the lines UALM[2] and LBL[22].
Hi Nirav,
Menü-->Next--> System--> Config-->4. Hot Start Autoexec program:....... are you looking for this?
hi Victorz88,
try to load the SYSMAST.VA file in Controlled start.. may that helps you out.
hi Darkknight1944,
This should work with Karel try:
change "UD1" to your path "MD" or "UT1"...