Change colors on program pendant?

  • We inherited some used robots a few months ago. One of the things that peaked my curiosity was that the remarks in the programs had a yellow background. In the programs, if an input is on then it has a green background, and if the input is off then it is red. Ive tried to find some kind of setting for this and have had no luck. I would like to apply these to some of the other Fanucs we have in house. Does anyone know where the settings to do this are?

  • When you say newer, what controller version.

    I'm pretty sure this feature was introduced with the R-30iB. I agree that it's a really great feature, it makes it super easy to scroll through programs really quickly and find things.

  • When you are in a TP-program you see POINT or TOUCHUP, but when press NEXT, you see [INST] or [EDCMD]

    Press [EDCMD]
    In my version you get EDCMD1 and EDCMD2 (2 lists of possible commands)

    For turning on or off colors, EDCMD2, option 2 "Color"
    For seeing comments of DIO, Registers etc.. EDCMD1, option 7 "Comment"
    For seeing the actual status of DIO in the program, EDCMD2, option 3 "IO Status"
    For disabling certain lines in the program, EDCMD1, option 9 "Remark" (this will put // before a line and the line will be ignored
    (This remark is different than the remark found under [INST], Instruction 2, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous Statements 1, Option 5, Remark, which is putting (yellow) comments in the program with !)

    Edited once, last by dewitm ().

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