Does anyone have experience with IRB360 flexpickers? I am having an issue with AXIS 4 and would like to slow it down during a moveL. I was considering indepent Axis but I don't think I have the cycletime.
Does anyone have experience with IRB360 flexpickers? I am having an issue with AXIS 4 and would like to slow it down during a moveL. I was considering indepent Axis but I don't think I have the cycletime.
I don't think that robot model supports independent axis. Even if it does, you would have to have that option also. I suggest making your own speeddata for that motion and lower the orientation velocity. Not sure if that would work, it would if it considers that axis' motion as orientation. Another thing you could do is to use the optional argument for time.
Im going to have to try both of those things. Im working with accel/deccel right now.
The issue is the Joint 4 has appeared to go bad. it has a lot of slop. SO i'm trying to get around it till I can get a new one.
In this case, AccSet is a good idea too.