I cant wait to try this.... Ill get you an update when I can. I think it will work though!
Definitely headed down the right path Loipe
I cant wait to try this.... Ill get you an update when I can. I think it will work though!
Definitely headed down the right path Loipe
I already wrote a routine to simplify. So the work is already done unfortunately.
But I was hoping there was an easy way. Still ended up being 120 lines unfortunately. there was more I.O. then I thought.
The more I read the manual. the more I see its not possible.
The WHY is because I have over 60 of the inputs and outputs to do. and I hate rewriting and copy and paste. 60 because thats what the PLC guy wanted.
The thought was. If I could dynamically read I/O and uses a loop or counters. it would be 4 or 5 lines vs 60.. and much easier to make changes if needed.
Okay all, either I am insane or ABB wont do the simple things. Am I doing this right? I want to watch conditions of an input but I want that input to change based on a string
Can I do this......
sIOname := "PLC_DI80_OrderReq_Cnv"+NumToStr(nCnvNum,0)+"Chute"+NumToStr(nMagNum,0)+"_"+NumToStr(nChuteNum,0);
IF DInput(sioname)=1 THEN
If dinput ("PLC_DI80_OrderReq_Cnv"+NumToStr(nCnvNum,0)+"Chute"+NumToStr(nMagNum,0)+"_"+NumToStr(nChuteNum,0))=1 then
Im going to have to try both of those things. Im working with accel/deccel right now.
The issue is the Joint 4 has appeared to go bad. it has a lot of slop. SO i'm trying to get around it till I can get a new one.
Does anyone have experience with IRB360 flexpickers? I am having an issue with AXIS 4 and would like to slow it down during a moveL. I was considering indepent Axis but I don't think I have the cycletime.
I found a manual! thanks
Happy Sunday,
Does anyone know of a manual that describes all the system outputs and inputs?
I'm specifically looking for more on "Production Execution Error"
Attached is the current configuration. for somereason the robot is not updating it in Read-Mode. the i-controller is set to 128bits
Here is the card status that seems to be pulling in all the right data. and the new station is being setup. #4
Has anyone had issues with the robot not updating the configuration???
PRIO-624 is the main cause of the issues.
So its always a misunderstood topic and a tough one givin the siemens TIA portal is so hard to navigate and add devices if you don't know the order of operations...
ANYWAYS, I have a Fanuc on-site and they added a 4th machine. No big deal right? Wrong... I cant get the FANUC side to update. and ive got to the point where im determined im missing a step. Basically you can see the card pulling the i/o data on the status/profinet page but the robot/profinet setup will not read the new configuration or new I/O coming in.
here's what i've done in the past
Turns out it disabling the "allow part to be placed" under fixture properties> simulation got rid of it. .... why it was just a few showing up and the other 150 parts didn't matter, i'm not sure.
I haven't stumbed upon what this issue might be. Any idea?
after I pick and drop the last part in every tray it re-appears when the sequence is finished.
The way I typically handle it is to create a small sim pick program the does a Pick From with the [*] option as the index of where to pick from. When you set the index to *, the robot gripper will pick the part that is closest to the gripper you have defined to pick that part.
I then call this sim pick program from a TP program that handles all the offset math and general path stuff.
This was a huge help! made life easier. thanks nation
Im trying to add a simulation to a program i already wrote on the virtual TP. How do I Create picking 150-450 parts easily. By not creating a sim programs? is there a way to call a part array? and activate the pick in the sim via a TP program?
i really would hate to create a 150 partpick/simulation programs and call each one indivually. it has to be possible, Palletpro does it behind the scenes somehow.
1&2 - correct on both
The program in the manual is just a snippet. You're right that they don't show where they declared their variables, but I'm not seeing how the built-in is wrong?
You are right, I as wrong. The Built-in is correct. must be that damn dyslexia or something....
THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess I can say that I understand what the compiler is recommending the issue is. It conflicts with what I am trying to understand in the Karel manual.
So help me help my understanding of this language. I'm new to it.
1.with any "built in procedure" all in/out have to be populated? For example 'GET_TPE_PRM(x,x,x,x,x,x)'.....
2.also depending on the Data type of the TP argument only one of the variables will be populated,even though all 3 are shown, int_value, Real_value, or str_value?
Your program helped a lot thanks. im learning quickly just started karel yesterday.
the manual program example didn't set any variables or anything and shows the built in procedure wrong. Guess I will just have to accept this and learn that the manual isn't entirely right.
Youre right the handling manual does describe the Naming convetions for arguements prettty well. So i will have no problems in the future with that.
Whats weird is the examples I use via the Karel program do not work. Having all kinds of issues just to pull a integer.
My errors with logic im trying to use
22 GET_TPE_PRM(1, data_type, int_value, status)
ROUTINE called has less arguments than ROUTINE definition. Routine: GET_TPE_PRM
26 IF Data_type <> PARM_INTEGER THEN -- make sure parameter is an integer
Example in the manual. Which only shows half of what needs done. see attached. Is this a common thing in Karel? They only show you half the solution?
DUUUDDDEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was legit just turned to that page in the Old Karel Manual.
Any Idea how they set the name of an argument? in .TP?
1: CALL FIRE_PROJECTOR (projector name= ,)