I keep getting this error on power up of the robot and plc. am i missing a setting or something for this if i do a driver reset it all works fine . only on power up and on both robots

KRC4 El6695 error on power up
the leg -
June 25, 2021 at 1:52 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Never seen that exact one before. Is this a KRC4 Compact? Most of the times I ran into an EL6695 error was b/c the Compact comes with no power wired for the Beckhoff module that provides the Digital I/O option.
how is it powered?
The power is from the the plc cabinet as the EK1100 is mounted in the control cabinet.
When I power the plc cabinet up it also powers up the robots .
This is standard size KRC4
try powering bus coupler from KRC
Does the EK1100 power up at all?
Does the EK1100 power up at all?
Yes it all works with no issues only sometimes on power up i get the error . do an i/o reconfig and boom all working again. doesn't happen all the time maybe 50% of time it fails on power up
try powering bus coupler from KRC
try powering bus coupler from KRC
That was going to be my next thing to try on my return