I've just been tasked to set up a new IRC5, but was handed a very old (and incomplete!) template of files as the spec I've been told to adhere to 100%!!!!!.
Problem is, no one at the customer seems to know much about this template, or be able to explain it. And the template files, when installed on the IRC5, throw "unknown" errors on FirstMove, SMove, and ChkPosition.
These aren't documented in any of the ABB manuals I have, and googling around I found only one or two mentions of FM and SM in a German forum -- ChkPosition turned up zero results. I'm beginning to think these template files date from an S4, and all of my ABB experience is with IRC5s.
The references I found to SMove suggest that it was an S4-era command that's been superseded in the IRC5, but I couldn't find any explanations of what it did exactly.
FirstMove seems to be a way to get an initial motion on the robot in Auto, without "double stopping"? The Google German-to-English translation was a bit... vague. It was suggested this was created by ABB Germany, and never put into the "main" RAPID distribution.
And ChkPosition is called as a function: IF ChkPosition(p10VP,"10VP",5,tGripper) RETURN; The first argument is a RobTarget, and tGripper is a Tool. My guess is that this is simply checking the robot's current position against the RobTarget argument (the '5' is probably a cartesian tolerance band), but I'm not sure if this is some obscure undocumented RAPID function, or something the customer had written in-house and just forgotten about (it certainly isn't in any of the files they've given me so far!)
So, anyone know anything about these commands?