Hi, great Vision!
I agree, we will have AI in Industrial Robots very soon (but not now) and everything will change.
Not only for the robots but how we interact with them.
I think we will see this in 2025.
Hi, great Vision!
I agree, we will have AI in Industrial Robots very soon (but not now) and everything will change.
Not only for the robots but how we interact with them.
I think we will see this in 2025.
The forum has now received an update which allows you to translate the posts and articles into any language.
All you have to do is click on the small icon on the right under the post and select your preferred language.
I hope this will help you to use the forum even if you are not so comfortable with the English language.
Please post in English anyway to increase the chance of someone replying to you.
I hope you enjoy reading the forum.
Missing explanation for a "pretty confusing" statement in B-83184EN/13 Dual Check safety Function:
What does the statement Vertexes are duplicated in Cartesian Position Check Function (CPC) using Method "Working zone (lines)" mean? What has been duplicated?
I figured it out by try and error. It indicates that 2 or more of the vertices are identical and therefore invalid. Choosing Method "Working zone (diagonal)" shows Invalid zone is enabled which also isn't mentioned but - at least - is understandable!
is this a question or a Software Request?
I would suggest to change the Topic Title to Robot Type and Error to get better ranked on Google and in the Forum to find somone who can help you.
Well, if you're a manufacturing company, I wouldn't hold back from buying industrial robots. Now you can get them cheaper and faster delivered solutions. In addition, production is not running at full speed, so you can automate production with less stress.
I haven't even heard of these minibots yet. That sounds exciting too. As long as they are expensive toys, I would hold back. You'll soon get a lot more for your money.
The global economy will continue to have an impact on robot sales, but in the medium term, robotics is perhaps the most important market of all.
Humanoid robots could very well solve problems in the world, but personally I think it will be a few years before we see market-ready humanoids running around in factories and for example retirement homes.
Maybe that helps us to work better with our robots.
In general ALL Programmers will not code anymore as before.
thanks for reporting!
we are working on that issue.
Robot-Forum.com is the largest community for Industrial Robots Experts worldwide.
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Please send me a Message if you want to see your Job Posting here.
OK, i fixed it.
When I checked the change it was only once that i have to close a ad, not at every thread opend.
For me that was OK. But i understand, that this is too much.
Sorry, thats what Google „Optimised“ it self. I havent know this. I try to change that.
Display MoreWhat I learned in the meantime:
everone wants help, but no one wants to help (some exceptions)
When I spend hours to check documentations I expect an answer, just to know whether I am on the right way and also for others maybe having the some problem!
As I learned:
It is not working this way: suggestions worked for me - who cares about the others?
Therefore I am not willing to be an active member anymore - but as passive one (just getting the good information which is helpful - like a lot of others)
Passive one means able to read the atachemnets but not able to respond - to me it sounds only stupid members are trying to help and respond
Beeing not passive member, please just close my actual member ship
I am sorry to say that, but trying to help without any response is annyoing
Hey, i understand you point of view.
We should think about this:
- everybody is helping here for free
- we should not expect help, but we are thankful, if somebody helps
- we should be that first, what we expect from others
- here are so many good people they help and this is great. Thank you all
- i the universe, every Energy you put in anywhere, that energy comes back to you. Almost another way, that you expect.
i hope you will stay a active member, because you are great
Thanks for every helping to make this community better
Universal has some bugs in their Software.
You can Report that here in this Thread.
Thanks for reporting.
If you have any wises or suggestions to Universal Robots, you can do this here too.
its crazy here in Germany.
Factories shut down, nearly everybody works from home, toilet paper is rare.
Its like in a Horror movie, nobody touches another Person, takes distance, fear everywhere.
Nobody knows how long this will be.
Positive side is: People are working from home, prepare their gardens, enjoy life.
Nature and Humans can regenerate.
i have translated valkamars Post with Goolge Translator:
I guess you are welding stainless pieces with stainless wire !! Torch tilt 45 degrees X / Y 45 degrees X / Z 45 degrees Y / Z. Good welding depends on a few things that just can't be written in correspondence !!!! But I will try to explain some things to try. Welding depends on: amperage, voltage, wire feed rate, welding speed, what is the best experience of using a welder !!!! Look for data on the apparatus you are working on / Current and voltage table / Search welding literature for approximate 2 mm thickness data. Just a question, no way. It takes a lot of trials / trial error / trial error / and finally a good result. Tip: Call a welder, work with the infusion is a few minutes, a few practical tips in minutes and you're done. You will save a lot of time and nerves !!!!
You can Post your Questions abour Dürr Robots in other Robots Forum.
If there are more Threads, I will create a new Section.
that one now is Portuges, i moved the posts. The posts have been written on Fanuc Software Wishlist
i dont speak Portuges
To become a Moderator you need to help a lot, be friendly and learn to write in the right Forums.