Hello all,
I am currently setting up the safety configuration for my KR C4 controller, and I have found within the SafeOperation manual the explanation of all of the safety outputs for various safety functions:
$SR_ACTIVETOOL Number of the active safe tool
$SR_AXISSPEED_OK Reduced axis acceleration exceeded
$SR_CARTSPEED_OK Cartesian velocity exceeded
$SR_DRIVES_ENABLE Enabling of the drives by the safety controller
$SR_MOVE_ENABLE Enabling by the safety controller
$SR_RANGE_ACTIVE[1] ... $SR_RANGE_ACTIVE[16] Active workspaces
$SR_RANGE_OK[1] ... $SR_RANGE_OK[16] Workspace vioaltion state
$SR_SAFEMON_ACTIVE State of safe monitoring
$SR_SAFEOPSTOP_OK Violation of an externally activated operational stop
$SR_SAFEREDSPEED_ACTIVE State of the monitoring of the reduced velocity
However, how do I physically output these signals from the controller using digital I/O? For example, I want to receive a signal when $SR_SAFEREDSPEED_ACTIVE goes high; where are the pins located that output this signal, or which pins can i configure to output the signal? Any clarification is greatly appreciated.