Hi All,
This is my first post here, I have read all about how to post thinks on. So we have got used KUKA robot KR 15 with KRC 1 controller. We have managed to make it work and all safety is taken care of. This robot was standing still for about 3-5 years. After successful calibration of it we have saved all files on hard drive. The following problem is that every time we switch it on we get quite a few errors. All errors are listed bellow. The main problem is that robot is loosing calibration data and data for robot number. So we get errors that robot number is not equal the one in directory and robot is not mastered. And there is an communication error between DSE-RDW. After changing robot number to the one specified in directory sometimes the error for mastering robot disappears, sometimes it doesn't.
Here are the list of all errors:
Errors after switching robot on
1606 InterBUS : bus error 0.0 (disabled, since we don't need it)
1025 Error configuration I/O driver INTERBUS
1008 Controler booted
271 Robotnr. 0 isn't equal calibration file 9915 (no description in fault list manual)
275 Set robotnr. –program robotname (no description in fault list manual)
276 Wrong machine data for this robotname
105 Transmission error DSE-RDW 1
106 Perform Mastering A1!
106 Perform Mastering A2!
106 Perform Mastering A3!
106 Perform Mastering A4!
106 Perform Mastering A5!
106 Perform Mastering A6!
1326 HPU /ZM_CIBO1 : 36 compilation error
1100 Stopped A1 ( Axis has been moved out of standstill position, which is not true)
108 Dynamic breaking active
1229 Ackn. Watchdog power module PM1 (The watchdog on the power module has dropped out. The watchdog is triggered by the DSE every 0.125ms.)
0 BOF error loading DAT-File(s)
1318 HPU File description cannot be processed
0 TPUSER Double declaration! Object »TOUCH_1« already exists (Module: C_TOOL.KFD, …)
0 BOF PowerOn finished
200 Drives contactor off
1347 Robot not mastered
After changing robot number from 0 to 9915 and rebooting the computer we get errors shown below.
Errors after rebooting the computer
1606 InterBUS : bus error 0.0
1614 Error during scan device 5
1025 Error configuration I/O driver INTERBUS
1008 Controler booted
106 Perform Mastering A1!
106 Perform Mastering A2!
106 Perform Mastering A3!
106 Perform Mastering A4!
106 Perform Mastering A5!
106 Perform Mastering A6!
1326 HPU /ZM_CIBO1 : 36 compilation error
1318 HPU File description cannot be processed
0 BOF error loading DAT-File(s)
1318 HPU File description cannot be processed
0 TPUSER Double declaration! Object »TOUCH_1« already exists (Module: C_TOOL.KFD, …)
0 BOF PowerOn finished
200 Drives contactor off
1347 Robot not mastered
I have already found out that there can be problems with DSE or RDW card or cable. We have already cheched the cable but it works fine.
If you have any suggestions we will be more than thankful.