Hi! I've always used KUKA as device. Since you can add also KUKA as a scanner is it possible to have S7-1200 PLC as device?

IlFincoITA -
January 17, 2023 at 3:25 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
i don't see why not but note that in this case only standard data can be exchanged, since KRC is not a safety master.
Should be possible if your robot has the ProfiNet Scanner option installed. The PLC would have to be configured to act as PN Device, of course, and a matching GSD file imported into WorkVisual.
KUKA has (at least) two different PN options for KRC4s: the cheaper option is Device only, while the more expensive one allows the robot to act as both a Scanner and Device.
For PROFINET it is called Controller and Device. The available options are PROFINET M/S (Controller and Device) and PROFINET -/S (only Device).
guess what M and S are in "M/S" or "-/S"
There is basically also master (M) and slave (S) but the offical terminology for PROFINET is Controller (master) and Device (slave).
yes, sensitive people get triggered by pretty much anything, including words referring to pieces of hardware. so companies tried coining new pairs of substitute terms like scanner/adapter, controller/device etc.
I have the KUKA.PROFINET MS.kop installed but it is not clear wich element of the hardware catalogue I must install into the SIEMENS Hardware configuration since I have just one and none of the GSDML inside the WorkVisual subdirectory have a description like "controller".
not sure what is that you have installed how and where, what the software stand is etc.
the topic name suggests adding S1200 as slave to KRC4 that is PNET master, but your screenshots show something else. you are making two networks (PLC to KRC, and another is KRC to KRC).
each device in a fieldbus has a role... it is either master or slave.
only master need to be aware of slaves. slaves are oblivious to presence of other nodes on the network. so if you want KRC to be a master, do not add another KRC as a slave. you need to add S1200 as slave:
Since PLC is to be setup as a slave, it knows nothing about KRC and there is no KUKA GSDML to be imported into Siemens software or added to PLC config. You just need GSDML of S1200 added to WoV DTM.
Btw if the roles were reversed, you would not add any slaves to KRC network. and you would need to integrate KUKA supplied GSDML files into Siemens catalog. They are found in WoV folder DeviceDescriptions:
.. You just need GSDML of S1200 added to WoV DTM...
This is the sticking point.
AFAIK there exist no universal gsdml file for Siemens plc as device, you have to create it by your own, in Tia. It's much more complex than using plc as controller, one more source for errors, highly recommend using plc as controller.
Yes! I've see my mistake... what I've inserted in VOW is simply another KRC as slave. I do not know how to find a GSDML who describes PLCS7-1200 as Device... nor if it is possible.
I've seen just one example with CP1616, the GSDML is generated inside TIA Portal.
I am not a TIA expert but try to add your S7-1200 PLC from the hardware catalogue in TIA Portal to devices & networks. After that, open the PN interface of the device, set operating mode to IO device and configure the transfer areas as needed. Below there is an "Export" button which allows you to export the GSDML file. This could work.
But I agree with hermann, in general it would be much easier to use the PLC as IO controller.
Hi! Just found an option inside TIA Portal to configure a CPU as IO Device... it has been used with PLC to PLC Communication... I will try it...
I am not a TIA expert but try to add your S7-1200 PLC from the hardware catalogue in TIA Portal to devices & networks. After that, open the PN interface of the device, set operating mode to IO device and configure the transfer areas as needed. Below there is an "Export" button which allows you to export the GSDML file. This could work.
That should be the way. Tomorrow I'll try it on site with the KUKA Robot.
So far I had no success... tried few different GSDML generated inside TIA PORTAL. Asked KUKA for help we'll see...
Can you tell us the reason why you want to use it this way, and not the other way with plc as controller?
Just because it's possible? To waste some time? Can't imagine any sense making reason.
The reason is simple. The robot is a slave of another PLC. That PLC is not mine. Now I need to exchange data with this robot too. So I thought that if my s7 PLC can act as a simple I-Device... I could exchange whatever I want with a simple profinet cable...
Anyway KUKA (Italy) has never encounter a scenario like this and can't help me. They suggest me to experiment a bit with the .xml file generated by SIEMENS. It is not clear if it works or not.
I'll see if I have some time to spend to experiment...
Just tried the GSDML to establish a connection with two PLCs and it worked like a charm...
Hi there, I’m maybe a little bit late but I program robots and PLC, so I think I can help you. Kuka with ProfiNET M/S can be a “master” and have profinet “slaves” but S7 Siemens plc GSDML isn’t easy to find… so this isn’t the best option to go with. If you just need to communicate with another PLC that is a S7 PLC, you just need to add the other plc to your TIA-Portal project (within the same profinet network and correct IP settings) and use the PUT/GET system function. This is the best way to communicate with two S7 PLC because if one PLC is shutdown, the other will not stop because missing module like it would if is set has an I-Device or an IO-Device.
If you need to communicate with the robot, just send data from your PLC, to the master PLC (with PUT/GET commands) and make sure the master PLC will send that data to the robot and vice-versa.
If you have more question you can ask. Ty