Specifically, R-30iB Mate Plus, running 9.3, with irVision and irPickTool. Multiple different robots with this configuration, so it's not just a one-robot problem.
A colleague and I both have Windows 10 laptops. Mine, I have no issues connecting to the robot via Ethernet and opening the irVision and irPickTool configuration pages using Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. But my colleague can't get past the "main" page when pointing a browser at the robot's IP address. Any attempt to load the irVision or irPickTool pages results in 30-60sec of the spinny wheel of death, followed by a server timeout. We've tried Chrome and Edge on his laptop with exactly the same result.
We've tried turning the Windows firewall off, and adding the robot's IP address to Windows' list of Trusted Sites, but no joy. I'm stumped, here.
Just for shiggles, I broke out a 10-year-old laptop running Ubuntu 18 (which hasn't been updated in 3 years). And that junker connected without any problems. Except for the Snap and Live displays for irVision -- Firefox only seemed to load a small video buffer, or set of images, then just loop those forever, instead of getting fresh image data from the robot.
My gut feeling is that the issue is something about Windows network security settings on my colleague's laptop, given that the pages that fail are the more complex pages that (I assume) have lots of Javascript and/or HTML 5 for live interactive content. But so far, I haven't found the smoking gun. Anyone know the magic formula to get this to work?