I'm a previous ABB-Programmer and have just started to program KUKA-robots.
When programming ABB-robots each movement has to have the given parameters like velocity, aproximation-distance, tool and work object (Base in KRL)
The example I'd like to use is:
MoveJ Offs(PickPosition,0,0,250),v2500,z50,tGripper1,wWorkobject; (This position is far away from the actual "PickPosition")
MoveL Offs(PickPosition,0,0,50),v800,z30,tGripper1,wWorkobject; (This one is closer than the previous point with less distance, velocity and aproximation-distance)
MoveL Offs(PickPosition,0,0,10),v100,z10,tGripper1,wWorkobject; (This one as well)
MoveL PickPosition,v50,fine,tGripper1,wWorkobject; (The actual "PickPosition")
KRL Corresponding I assume would be:
PTP {X 0,Y 0,Z 250,A 0,B 0,C 0} : xPickPosition C_DIS
LIN {X 0,Y 0,Z 20,A 0,B 0,C 0} : xPickPosition C_DIS
LIN {X 0,Y 0,Z 10,A 0,B 0,C 0} : xPickPosition C_DIS
LIN xPickPosition
How do you code this when for example want to lower speed and approximation while getting closer to the point like the ABB-example above? (In a nice-code-way)
I Could assign the velocity and APO in-between the movements but it would look like crap and would not be easy to re-use.
I could make a DEF/DEFCT which is like the ABB-way and use Position, Approximation etc in the program-call but I'm not into doing that either, when programming KUKA-robots I'd like to do it like it should be done (?)
This is not a problem, just a tip on how you guys do this? (Maybe most of you use the same speed & aproximation during the entire program cycle idk)