Hi everyone, I got this issues with 1 of my project. I can open the pendant tab but can't open the key board tab. The other project is normal. Do you know how to fix it. Thank you.
MotoSIM Bug
apakrat13 -
May 27, 2022 at 11:12 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
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In some PC there are this problem, when you create a new project and will open the keyboard for pendant, it will be open but go bottom of the windows and you couldn't see it. Hide the task bar in bottom of windows , you can see a little of keyboard page and you can drag it to up.
Also, when you create a project, drag the pendant up the windows and open the keyboard after this work. The keyborad don't go bottom of windows.
If you hold Ctrl key while you klick on the keyboard button on the virtual pendant, the keyboard will open right under the pendant so you don't have to search it from behind the task bar or whatever.
If that doesn't help copy a .xml file from a working cell's folder into the folder of your troublesome cell and rename it. Don't know if this helps with the pendant, but it does help when you lose your CADtree window.
I am assuming this is EG-VRC and not EG. Quite often what happens is the cell is saved with items open on another monitor, like the lower portion of the pendant. The cell is then opened on a computer with a single monitor. The items on the secondary monitor do not show up. Like Reintz said hold the CTRL key and click on the pendant lower portion button the the VPP.
- Best Answer
If you hold Ctrl key while you klick on the keyboard button on the virtual pendant, the keyboard will open right under the pendant so you don't have to search it from behind the task bar or whatever.
If that doesn't help copy a .xml file from a working cell's folder into the folder of your troublesome cell and rename it. Don't know if this helps with the pendant, but it does help when you lose your CADtree window.
Ive found this interesting and went to try it. Once i did that, my TP disappesred and neither clicking on "Show all" would not apear any more.
Hi all,
Thank you for your supporting. It helps me a lot.
Have a good week and stay safe.
Press CTRL+click on the keyboard's icon