Which is the variable that holds , for example "SRVO-003 Deadman switch released "
I looked in may places on the variables and I couldn't find it
Which is the variable that holds , for example "SRVO-003 Deadman switch released "
I looked in may places on the variables and I couldn't find it
You need to enable : $ALM_IF.$ENABLE
Then use for last alarm : $ALM_IF.$LAST_ALM
for last user alarm: $ALM_IF.$LAST_UALM
I didn't have the enable TRUE
Almost a year later, I'm bringing more questions about $ALM_IF
I guess there are a couple of ways to read the last alarm (explicit messaging or Karel).
Any idea how to read the other ones.
I've been reading about it in the last couple of days (without actually programming) and I can't find anything that can take me directly to $ALM_IF.$CURR_STAT for example
Any ideas ?
BTW, the reason that I'm is because we are buying lets say 4 robot for a system with only one pendant. 3 pendants are basically the price of one robot. That makes my life hell and I want to send the PLC-HMI all the info that I can
What PLC/HMI and comm package are you using?
Allen Bradley with EthernetIP
We've done a lot of things with explicit messaging and Karel but we still need to do more. Not having pendants on every robot is painful
Thanks I've got that and I was very excited but how do you get the rest of the $ALM_IF ?
I'm talking to Fanuc also and seems to me that there is no way you can read a system variable result and put it on a SR[ ]
Doesn't look like there is a way to pull out a system var with Ethernet/IP explicit messaging.
However, you could write a Karel routine that pulls out the $ALM_IF structure, and dumps them into some string registers. Those can be read via explicit messaging.
EDIT: there is also Explicit Data Access, which allows reads of system vars, but it is also an option.
1) NO pull out system var
2) THis is the only Karel command that resembles what I want
GET_VAR Built-In Procedure
Purpose: Allows a KAREL program to retrieve the value of a specified variable
Syntax : GET_VAR(entry, prog_name, var_name, value, status)
Input/Output Parameters:
[in,out] entry :INTEGER
[in] prog_name :STRING
[in] var_name :STRING
[out] value :Any valid KAREL data type except PATH
[out] status :INTEGER
and I have this
I'm going to try to read it
3) Fanuc mentioned the EDA but I don't have that option, even that I have EIP
Thanks Nation
I've not used explicit msg a lot. But I use KAREL to read sys vars and based on matches/conditions set a bit or send an error code over GO[*] and another one GO[*] for error type SRVO/MTN/etc. As an option...
Hi I'm home now, but I was having a hard time implementing the GET_VAR to read the CURR_STAT. I'm having a compilation error. The examples in the Karel manual are not helping me much
I'll try again tomorrow morning, so, scotty, if you don't mind check the thread and give me a hand
I know it's silly, but you can try this one.
Other idea (If using Karel):
Just read 'ERRACT.LS' from memory.
It contains all the current errors...
Thanks to scotty I was able to achieve my goals
The attachment shows what I did for me but also gives a good reference how to read system variables and load them on Rs and SRs
about the sample,i have a question,I tried it on robotguide, but I couldn't get this parameter well. In addition, I can't find these three parameters in the variables: $ALM_IF.$CURR_PROG, $ALM_IF.$CURR_STAT, $ALM_IF.$CURR_LINE.
Clark111 Welcome to the robot forum
Can you post a picture of the ALM_IF parameters, What do you see when you go to details ?
I will check more on Monday. I'm home now
Hi,sir.Thanks for the reply. Your program is well written, and I can successfully load it. But I did not find in my robot parameters: 1, $ALM_IF.$CURR_PROG; 2, $ALM_IF.$CURR_STAT; 3. $ALM_IF.$CURR_LINE. It should be that the version of my robot and the application are inconsistent with the version you are using.
BTW, the reason that I'm is because we are buying lets say 4 robot for a system with only one pendant. 3 pendants are basically the price of one robot. That makes my life hell and I want to send the PLC-HMI all the info that I can
what options you install, to not use the pendant?
The robot we but mostly (Scara) use the compact controller. The no pendant option is part on the standard package.