I have bought a delta PLC that acts as a slave can bus module (DVP SA2 + DVPDT 01-s) to extract a digital output from my kuka KR c2 robot (with a MFC 3 card installed). After setting up the connections, I did the first step that was configuring DEVNET.INI. After that, when I go to configure> I/ODriver>Reconfigure I/O Driver, it displays an error no 29 saying ' Drive bus DSE 1 participation no. 8 - 9 not configured' .
Checking this message error states that there is an Interbus configuration and physical structure do not match. what are the possible mistakes that may lead to this error?
- the robot has 2 other cards installed besides the mfc 3 card (one is for serial communication and the other is for.
- I tried to ignore this error and continue setting up the devicenet but the same error still appears.
- when I enter the Telnet window to use dnSetBaudRate or dnWho, it replies with undefined symbol.
- devicenet module (my plc) leds are stating that everything is fine
- some pictures (including log files of devnet and iosys) and a video are found in this link: