Dear Friends
Here I have on VKRC2 (V5.4.10) ,When I Press to configuration Menu and select User group,I can not see User ./ Expert mode ,Does any body know ? (take a look to the attachment )
Dear Friends
Here I have on VKRC2 (V5.4.10) ,When I Press to configuration Menu and select User group,I can not see User ./ Expert mode ,Does any body know ? (take a look to the attachment )
Read the manual
VKRC does not have that option. If you want to login you need disc with key.
u need usb with keyfiles.
Dear Spiral
as you have explained, to change user group we need key file, but I am wondering for the system response.
Normally VKRC2 ask a question when you select user group, but here I see nothing .I have change a little bit this file (MenueKeyVW.ini)
to be able to select Expert mode ,now I can select Expert and user with soft key ,
But I need user SafetyMaintence to change safe robot option ,here safe operation is enabled on the my robot controller and I have to find
a way to select this mode ,
There is no user mode SafetyMaintence on VKRC2.In the attachment are the keyfiles for expert mode on vkrc2.
Extract in folder on usb and you can enter expert mode.
Dear Spiral
I am agree with you, also I have checked and study in detail (MenueKeyVW.ini) in the controller I didn't see any mode was defined for mode SafetyMaintenc.
but I see this messages in the attachment :please take look to better understand
also I will send my MenuekeyVW.ini here .
What software option are you using? And what exactly u wanna do so this message appears?
Does any body has a KRC2 Controller Edition 2005 with Safety Maintenance mode ?
If there is .It's possible to post this file (MenueKeyKuka.ini) or attach in this topic .
try this one
Dear the Leg
Your file don't have option ''SafeRobot'' !!!.are you sure this file is belongs to the controller that has option Saferobot ?
sorry it was the wrong one lol i will try again
Dear the Leg
Yes. It seems to be ok ,I will check it ,can you send another file SoftKeyKuka.ini for me ,you will help me if you post it here .
try these