Only V6.0.31 is available for download.
If you can upload it will be great.
can someone send me link where i can download this version of WV?
Try maybe with $ROBROOT_C. It shows you the position of the robot when you move the linear axis. Then set the Base to this Variable.
Under "Programming and Diagnosis"
$ACC.CP = 0.10000
Why is this set so low?is there any reason? I dont know the default setting for 20kg robots,but for 200kg robots is 2.3.Try to increse this value. There is variable in $machine.dat $ACC_MA it shows you the max value you can set.
It is a KRC2 controller with standard X11 plug.VKRC2 has XS2 safety plug.
The robot reads the data every 12ms.How fast the external system actualise the data?
How fast you get your position data from the external system?
cannot open the robodk file.
Talk to the guy who generated the programm in RoboDK. You have this at the beginning of your programm:
; Program generated by RoboDK v5.6.7 for KUKA KR 90 R2700 pro on 07/02/2024 12:06:58
; Using nominal kinematics.
; ---- Setting reference (Base) ----
; Using external axes
; $ACT_EX_AX= 1
$BASE = {FRAME: X 0.000,Y 0.000,Z 200.000,A 0.000,B 0.000,C 0.000}
; --------------------------
; ---- Setting tool (TCP) ----
$TOOL = {FRAME: X 257.000,Y 0.000,Z 61.500,A 0.000,B 90.000,C 0.000}
In your config.dat there is no Tool or Base data.They are set in testprogramm.src. The turntable must be measured as well.
in config.dat under BASE_DATA. Is the turntable measured and coupled with the robot?
You dont need to install.It is already in WorkVisual.Just select it as interface.
QuoteThen I read that $ANOUT[1]= cannot be a math formula, just -1 to 1, which means probably -100%...0%....100% scale, so $ANOUT[1]=1 maybe the correct synatx???
Can you confirm me that?
1 is equal to 10V.
It shows you that is a global point.