Great news everyone: It's working!
$PRO_ACT is always false and $PGNO_REQ is always on , though..
No wi need to figure out how to use AutoEXT without the need to select cell.src and use T1 until BCO. That's the point of using AutoEXT..
Great news everyone: It's working!
$PRO_ACT is always false and $PGNO_REQ is always on , though..
No wi need to figure out how to use AutoEXT without the need to select cell.src and use T1 until BCO. That's the point of using AutoEXT..
So, I've managed to use cell.src and AutEXT as i wanted.
But now i need to figure out out to not use T1 on startup ( after shutting down robot).
Can i remove the "Check Home" lines from cell.src? How can i remove or bypass BCO check?
Or is there any option using sps/sps.sub? I've read the integrator manual again(!!!) and still have no idea.
I've seen some posts but no major info about it / steps..
check CWRITE manual. Example is in SPS.SUB (before main LOOP).
check CWRITE manual. Example is in SPS.SUB (before main LOOP).
Found SPS.SUB nowhere ( neither "LOOP" ).
U sure that the example it's in the CWRITE manual?
OK, i made some adjustments.
One thing that bugs me is: i've add "start r1/cell()" in the line above "run /r1/cell()" in sps.sub.
And i get this error when i shut down and turn on the robot:
"start /r1/cell() invalid argument"
Should i have some delay for acknowledge or something?
Okay, the command was in the wrong place. I can now start cell. But i still get the message to run in T1.
How can i manage this? I've tried to use a different "cell.src" but it doesnt let me have more than one, even in a different folder/different name
The entire /R1 directory tree is treated as "flat" -- it is one namespace, effectively. So modules with identical names are not allowed, even in different subdirectories.
You will have to modify (the only) CELL.SRC.