I have a question..
New to robots and used to program other things I have a certain way to structure my programs..
Usually I do my non robot programs as a state machine for example (Siemens SCL language below):
case state of:
0: //Init
//Do something
//Change state
state := 10;
10: //Done
//Last state set done flag wait for Ack
done := TRUE;
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I was thinking about structuring my robot program something like this (Please disregard the faulty syntax)
Case state of:
0: //
10: // do movement
PTP xxx
if sensor then state := 20
else state := 40
Until done
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I dont se why it wouldn't be possible but is there any flaws or disadvantages doing a robot program this way.
I will refresh my memory with some manuals later but i thought you pros had some suggestions.