verify your robots are mastered correctly. I had a similar issue and found one of our techs did not line up the axes on the lines correctly when remastering the robot after a battery failure. It would rotate perfectly around Z after that.
Posts by DaveP
See if you can find something near here. (insert your user name)
C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Robot Neighborhood
This variable is for the general override speed on the pendant. $MCR.$GENOVERRIDE We modify it in background programs or through our HMI's.
Contact Fanuc America and ask for information on QSSR. We had a call with a Fanuc rep but have not used this.
Glad you got it working. Thanks for the information on activating the User Data.
I agree, the robot doesn't know where it is in the cell. You can update an existing robot in a project by clicking on the Serialize Robot button. It will bring up the same window that you use to create a new robot from an AOA backup. This is nice in HandlingPRO when you have other equipment that you don't have to recreate in a new project. This has been a big time saver for my team now that we know about it.
How are you loading the backup into Roboguide? Are you using the Serialize Robot button that is shown when you view the robot properties? I'm assuming that would just update the robot programs, etc. when you load the new backup and not move the actual robot in the cell.
I have 1 scanner defined in the Ethernet/IP list for my camera. The configuration for this device should be in the attached spreadsheet from my earlier post. To trigger the camera, I turn on the Enable DO then pulse the Trigger DO. My results come through the CIO-Micro and a different range of discrete inputs because that is how my vision guy at that time knew how to do it. So I can't help much on getting data back through the EIP inputs. I do use the ONLINE input to verify the camera is ready and I can see the TRIGGER ENABLE input turn ON. If you have the I/O setup as shown in the spreadsheet and you can see the camera ONLINE in the Ethernet/IP window, you should be able to trigger the camera and see some DI's change state. My camera is showing as OFFLINE below because it is from the Roboguide project.
You can modify your tool variable directly in your program. Reference the TRSF for the gripper and adjust as needed. You could enter the values directly or apply an offset, etc.
Direct Entry: tlGripper.trsf={0, 0, 150, 0, 0, 0}
Offset current Tool: tlGripper.trsf={0, 0, 150, 0, 0, 0}*{0,0,nOffset,0,0,0}
Perfect, thank you. I'll contact spare parts.
HawkME, do you have the software part number for the CAD Converter? We currently have 3 server licenses for HandlingPRO and would love to add that option. I emailed spare parts but have not heard back from them.
You can also map the UI/UO to Flags and then use background logic to assign DI/DO to the flags. One nice thing is that Flags can be mapped as an input or an output.
Then F1 (Type) -> Master/cal -> QUICK MASTER press Enter and F4(yes),
You may need to Zero Position Master since the encoder counts were lost when the batteries failed. Seems like The QUICK MASTER option is not working correctly.
In the robot pendant, go to Menu, Setup, Host Comm, HTTP. In the HTTP Setup menu, highlight the A in the KAREL row then press the F3 button for UNLOCK. The A should change to a U. Try clicking on Comment again. I just tried it in Roboguide and it worked. I've done this for several real robots over the years.
Try looking in the SNPX variables to see if there is an address that matches 4322. The example below shows 2 entries in the SNPX settings to send robot variables to the HMI. The 1st has an address of 1201 and the 2nd is address 9101. These "addresses" are robot addresses that external devices can map to to view/edit robot variables. You can look in the Teach pendant for the variable list or view the file in the MD directory in the robot.
Field: $SNPX_ASG[2].$ADDRESS Access: RW: SHORT = 1201
Field: $SNPX_ASG[2].$SIZE Access: RW: SHORT = 1
Field: $SNPX_ASG[2].$VAR_NAME Access: RW: STRING[37] = '$MCR.$GENOVERRIDE@1.1'
Field: $SNPX_ASG[2].$MULTIPLY Access: RW: REAL = 1.000000e+00
Field: $SNPX_ASG[9].$ADDRESS Access: RW: SHORT = 9101
Field: $SNPX_ASG[9].$SIZE Access: RW: SHORT = 40
Field: $SNPX_ASG[9].$VAR_NAME Access: RW: STRING[37] = '$TP_DEFPROG'
Field: $SNPX_ASG[9].$MULTIPLY Access: RW: REAL = 1.000000e+00
I looked in the documentation and could not find any specific information for the numbers after the alarm message.
The E-Stop and Fence both have dual loop circuits for the wiring. This is the Chain 1 and Chain 2 for each circuit. The dual loops (Chains) have the redundant wiring for safety in case one Chain fails or the timing between the two Chains is not quick enough for opening and closing.
E-Stop wiring
Chain 1 is EES1 to EES11. Chain 2 is EES2 to EES21
Fence wiring
Chain 1 is EAS1 to EAS11 Chain 2 is EAS2 to EAS21
i have check the contact connected on the chain 1 side(between EES 1 adn EES11, betwenn EAS1 and EAS11) is closed and a contact on the chain 2 side (between EES 2 adn EES21, betwenn EAS2 and EAS21)
is open.The PDF file pg_0334.pdf from above shows the E-Stop and Fence wiring that you referenced. The contacts for EES1 to EES11 and EES2 to EES21 must close at the same time for the E-Stop to function correctly. Same for EAS1 to EAS11 and EAS2 to EAS21 in the Fence circuit. Chains 1 and 2 are for the dual loops in each circuit. When I said both contacts closing at the same time, I meant for the E-Stop contacts or the Fence contacts. Those circuits are separate. Your SRVO-230 alarm may be caused by something else like the deadman switch or something similar. See this link for an example. Srvo-230 Chain 1 abnormal 4,4
First, you need to fix the issue of one contact closed and one open. They both need to close at the same time to prevent any faults.
You can try doing a Shift Reset to see if the error goes away. Or press RES_1CH button on the Alarms page on the robot pendant. (Reset Single Channel Fault)
More information
ThreadChain 2 abnormal error
New to robotics and i came across an error that i cant fix and im not entirely sure how to go about it. ive tried to look it up but i couldnt find a lot about it.
the error code says SRVO-231 Chain 2 (0v) abnormal
Thanks for the help in advance.Robotics650December 6, 2017 at 12:25 AM -
My guess is that you connect BN to +24VDC, BU to 0VDC and V2- on the analog input card, WH to I2+ AND V2+ on the analog input card, then install a 250 ohm resistor between I2+ and V2- on the analog input card. You can connect the sensor to any of the 4 channels, replace the 2 with the desired channel number (0-3).