Hi guys, i've been a lurker on this forum so far, but have now found the need to reach out to the community with a question.
I am looking to add KUKA ForceTorqueControl to our KR10 R1100(KSS 8.5.8) for the purpose of sanding and polishing.
I'm considering a 6-axis ATI (or alternatives) Force Torque Sensor over ETHERCAT to our KR C4.
This question is based on a demo we did where:
-6 PTP locations were defined on key spots on the surface
-The surface was complex, double curved with multiple bumps and humps
-Force/Torque control with compliance was used to keep the sanding pad perpendicular to the surface at all times while moving to these (PTP) locations
-The target force was only about 2N and was run in TTS mode(Tool base Technology System, $TOOL)
-> Results were awesome! Very even and precise sanding job without ruining some of the fine details in the surface. All the area's were touched equally and details were left in place. A softer type sanding interface pad was used.
Now the part where I'm wondering about is the capabilities and the integration of such a system with KUKA and a ForceTorqueControl Package.
I short I want to know what I am getting into and if this is a project that the package TorqueForceControl is suited for. The cobot package was plug and play, what can the kuka package do out of the box? Is a lot of tweaking in RSI needed to get it to work like described?
I've seen a lot of assembly usecases for the FTC package, but not so really anything with fine, dynamic movement and finesse. My usual sources are blank when it comes to this subject, which is why I am reaching out on this forum.
My experience is on an intermediate level but we have contacts with skilled integrators that could lend a hand. None of them have any prior experience with Force/Torque Control(-ers) though.
Thanks for any insight you can share