I'm preparing communication through telnet with Kawasaki robots. One thing I'm wondering, actually I haven't found anything in the documentation.
Is there any global / system variable that states about safety circuit in robot? E.g. when I push an emergency stop button. I know that when there is an error, it's just a variable called "ERROR" and I can use PRINT ERROR, but unfortunately, safety issue doesn't cause any error. Have you heard about variable connected with safety statuses (emergency, fence, etc.) that I could just print?
Aga_k2 -
October 12, 2022 at 2:21 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Safety circuit failure and safety activation are 2 different things.
Failures produce errors, activation produce conditions.
Look into dedicated inputs, outputs and system switches in order to be able set up monitoring of safety activations.
Using AS language, you can then sniff on all of these condtions.
Yes, I meant about safety activation. Thank you, I've found it