Greetings to you all at this amazing forum, I've been reading your experiences for couple of days, you are amazing!
We got Kawasaki robot model FS030L-B in my company last week, it was taken form production while it was functioning, but that was at least 3 years ago ( maybe even more). So when we plugged it in first thing we hear is some sound coming from controller C41F-A020, something like "tump" we checked all switches and everything is on. What we could locate is that sound is coming form lower side of controller. And control power light is turned off.
After Turn on touch panel turns on and we got some errors which we solved by reading this forum including error based on encoder batteries and encoder zeroing.
Next we tried to turn Motor power on but it just blinks. In the touch panel e-stop is always active even when we reset both e-stop buttons so these are not activated and we still have e-stop active on touch panel.
Reading your forum I came across dip switch 8 method but I wanted to check with you guys before we try that. Or if you have diagram for jumper for this controller that would be helpful.
Let me know what you think.