Got a help request from a very remote customer (COVID travel restrictions). They have some KRC4s running KSS 8.3.42 with SafeOp 3.2.4, and one of the robots seems to have BrakeTest turned off -- when they cold boot the robot, it doesn't ask for a BT.
I got backups and opened them up, and the issue seems to be in mdrBrakeTest.ini: one has BitfieldAxesActivated=63, the "problem child" has =0.
Problem is, I thought this was settable via WorkVisual, but when I open the project files, I can't find the setting in WV. Maybe I'm just getting old.
There is the window on the pendant, where you can de/select each axis individually. And I'm guessing, once the on-site tech get into the Safety Config, they'll find someone un-checked all 6 axes. But it looks like it can't be done from WV?