J2 axis on an M-16 robot is slipping when the brakes engage. The arm drops/droops for a split second before the brakes actually grab and stop/hold the robot as expected, but at that point, the controller has faulted for Stop Error Excess (SRVO-023).
My robot guru suggested grease on the brakes and sent me the procedure for replacing J2. No problem with that, but where exactly is the brake? Is it internal to the motor? Do I need to open the motor up to look for grease leakage? I am not completely mechanically inept, but neither am I a servo surgeon. I've delayed the inevitable by increasing the servo_off_time variable, but I am going to have to address this sooner than later, I guess. Just trying to decide if I should order a replacement while I have this one repaired or if this is something I can handle in house with minimal down time... any advice is welcome.