KSS: 8.5.8
Robot: Various
Referring to this old thread that massula started about 5 years back, curious if there's been any follow up? (Source: KRC4 system messages manual)
Working on passing messages over TCP with the KRmsgNET TP. The following is a snippet from KRmsgNETSettings.xml, along with a comment for what the XML allows as far as customization. As you can tell, there's no option for message "severity" or importance. Best I see is %MessageType, which is not very granular.
Alternatively, there's the MBX_REC command. Documentation on this is... limited. Any pointers on what this function does, beyond the function definition EXTFCTP INT MBX_REC(INT MBX_ID :IN,STOPMESS MESS :OUT) from $OPERATE.DAT and $OPERATE_2.DAT? (source: KRC4 list of functions and subprograms)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<KRmsgNetSaveConfiguration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<MsgFormat>%HostName% %MessageTime:MM/dd/yyyy% - %ModuleName% - %MessageNo% - %MessageType% </MsgFormat>
<UserMsg />
<TechnologyMsg />
<SystemMsg />
<RequestSocket IsActive="true">
<PortID />
Configured network name
Configured robot name
Standard message time in the format: yyyy-MM-dd_ hh:mm:ss
Example: Display of the message time formatted
as year, month and day:%MessageTime:yyyy-MM-dd%
Module name of the message
Message number
Localized message
Contains the message text in the language set
on the robot controller as well as the parameters
belonging to the message.
The parameter designates
the specific value,
e.g. +/- for the direction of rotation, A1 ... A6 for
the robot axis.
Message type
Message status
Add: The message is active from the time it is
sent to the external system.
Removed: The message was active and was
removed before the external system request-
ed the active messages.
Confirmed: The status “Add” was confirmed
while the external system was requesting the
active messages.
Message key without parameters
Message text in the language set on the robot
controller, without parameters
All parameters
By default, the parameters are separated by
semicolons. If a different separator is to appear
between the parameters, it must be included in
the placeholder.
Example for formatting of the separator:
%Parameter:$%, if “$” is to be the separator.
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