I know that using the KConVars, one can compile a memory to be sent from roboguide to an actual robot, but how does one export (or decompile) memory / registers and their comments, and convert that to a .csv from a roboguide program?
How do I export Di, Do, registers, and their respective comments as a CSV?
DownlaodAllTheFiles -
June 21, 2019 at 10:53 PM -
Thread is Resolved
Take a look at this topic
In Roboguide, click on the cell tree, right click on your controller, "export I/O comments". A .CSV will be generated in the 'exports' folder under in your workcell folder.
Hi retobor
Can you do a screen shot ?
I have the newest Roboguide version and I dont see "export I/O comments"
I see Export in some parts of the tree without the i/o comments option -
Hello Fabian,
A co-worker had the same issue. You must enable the plug-in as it is not enabled by default even with the latest version (Tools - PlugIns)
Hi, retobar. What is the name of this option. I am currently trying to add it but there is to many of them and there is no description of what they are used for. Thanks.
In Roboguide, click on the cell tree, right click on your controller, "export I/O comments". A .CSV will be generated in the 'exports' folder under in your workcell folder.
Interesting. I have this option in Roboguide, but mine only exports SOP I/O and register comments. No robot I/O, digital I/O, etc.
Hi, retobar. What is the name of this option. I am currently trying to add it but there is to many of them and there is no description of what they are used for. Thanks.
It is not a robot option. It is an addon to Roboguide. You must select plugins when you install Roboguide, or run the installer again and select the option. You can enable the option in the application from Tools - PlugIns.
Interesting. I have this option in Roboguide, but mine only exports SOP I/O and register comments. No robot I/O, digital I/O, etc.
I'm not too sure what would cause that. The only instance where it will not export I/O is if the comment field is blank. However, you can create comments in the .CSV and import them as long as the formatting is correct.
It can be flaky to use. I've noticed it will not import/export if devices are not mapped or set to offline.