We have three nearly identical Fanuc P100 robots each with a R30-iA controller connected to an Omron PLC. One was added after the original installation. We are getting communication errors on the newest robot, approximately 6 times daily. The Net Config for all three looks identical (other than the address mapping and IP address, of course)
We have been having the SRVO-037 IMSTP input Group 1 alarm. (UOPs are mapped to Ethernet Rack 89)
We are also seeing PRIO-230 Ethernet/IP adapter error 1 and PRIO-231 Ethernet/IP adapter Idle.
We replaced the Ethernet cable from the robot to the hub in the main cabinet, still have same issue, we then changed from port 7 on the hub to port 8 same issues.
There are three robots on this line all communicating over Ethernet to the one PLC and we are not seeing these issues on the others; this leads me to believe there is a problem with the Ethernet controller itself or with the configuration.
Status to date:
• Three robots in cell only robot 3 exhibits faults (this is the used Robot)
• Faults 4-5 times a shift
• Discussed issue with FANUC – they suggested Ethernet issues
• Replaced cable – no impact
• Upgraded cable Cat 6 helped for a bit then issue returned
• Facility is climate controlled
Rob talked to a TSE at Fanuc. Our conclusions and suggestions:
The PRIO-230 errors point to a loss of Ethernet comms; problems with cable or hardware. They mean that the adapter is idle – not receiving comms from PLC. Somewhere we are losing connection.
Re-map the IMSTP to an internal memory bit that we know will not change.
Check EtherNet cable for extra length – never coil excess cable
Ensure cable is not run alongside HV cables or near VFD.
Fanuc was adamant that it is “an Ethernet problem”. Another idea is to connect with software such as WireShark and see what is going on with the network traffic, or a network analyser to check for noise, etc., but we have no-one in the area experienced with those.
We are at a loss as to what else to try, other than try swapping the Ethernet card within a good controller to the suspect controller. So far we have not had an opportunity to do this.
Any suggestions will be most welcome.