Hello guys,
I would like to know what is the use of this update time??
can anyone elaborate how it affect the system if i change this update time from 1ms to 4 ms or 8 ms.
We have different palnt area and each plant area has 7-8 robot, we have problem during backup from workvisual.
when we try to make a backup from workvisual than some of the moudle (Like Scalance switch in Glue controller OR welding controller module) loose the connection with the Robot.
Profinet loose its connection with robotcontroller during the backup (Not every moudle)
I have changed on some robot this update time from 2ms to 4ms and now there is No any problem during backup from workvisual.
Before I change to whole plant i would like to know how it will affect on the system.
I am working with
KR c Version 8.2.28
Thanks for any info.