I am launching a robot that has never been in work. at the moment the battery was replaced on the serial counting sensor. axial control is available, but does not allow control in the Cartesian system, it gives the error "event 50026 - close to singularity". accordingly, there is no possibility to write a program, the same event occurs at any points. has anyone encountered this problem? controller Irc5.
Problem with ABB IRB1200-7/0.7 robot. Event message 50026
Pafol -
March 5, 2024 at 7:40 AM -
Thread is Resolved
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March 5, 2024 at 8:37 AM Approved the thread. -
You are too close to the singularity. Your central hand is in an escape. If the axis 5 is tilted by +/- 5-10°, you can move Cartesian.
Right image = singularity
Left image = no singularity
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I am launching a robot that has never been in work. at the moment the battery was replaced on the serial counting sensor. axial control is available, but does not allow control in the Cartesian system, it gives the error "event 50026 - close to singularity". accordingly, there is no possibility to write a program, the same event occurs at any points. has anyone encountered this problem? controller Irc5.
The closer the 5th axis is to the zero position, the more it cannot decide whether it can go clockwise or counterclockwise. That's why you're getting this error. If the 5th axis has to take a position close to zero due to the orbit, change the tool angle.5. move the axis away from 0 degrees.