Hi all,
Robot KR20 R1810
Controller KRC4
External axis/positioner KP2 HV2600HW
ArcTech Basic 3.0
I have a tube, placed on the positioner (KP2 HV2600HW), and what I would like to do is to position the welding torch perpendicularly to the length of the tube, start the arc, rotate the turntable 90 degree in E2 using LIN, and arc off. This works fine, except that I cannot control the velocity of the turntable rotation by setting the ArTech's robot velocity parameter. It seems the "robot velocity parameter" only applies to the KR20 robot path.
The structure of the program is as follows
PTP Home
ArcOn Lin (position the welding torch perpendicularly to the tube)
ArcOff Lin (rotate the turntable, without moving the welding torch)
Is there a way to do execute ArcOFF with static welding torch?
Kind regards