Hello everyone, we encountered an error with Fanuc robot. The robot is nearly 7 years OLD but it was running fine with no issues but now we're having issues with that robot and it keeps stopping after every single moves (can not even job it continuously moves a bit and then stops) and giving me SRVO - 053 and SRVO - 050 error. It's not crashing anywhere, no singularities, nothing preventing robot to move. After jogging the robot it feels like something is wrong with mechanical stuff. Any idea what it could be?
Now we're planning to change the older LR mate 30iB Controllers to LR mate plus 30iB. So what will happen if I transfer my file from older controller to newer Controller. Do i need to change the file version too or I'll be able to load and run the programs directly? (P.S. it supports iRvision and runs the vision programs too).
Which files I'll have to transfer incase I'm changing the controller?
Please and Thank you in advance.