I am still very new to Abb robot programming. I am making a welding program similar to the one in the picture on my Fanuc robot. In this way, my program has been working for years, and many of my resource programs are working smoothly.(Program mm or CNT values or program steps were shortened.) Now I want to do the same work with my Abb robot. Cont:IRC5 Robot:IRB2600. How can I write a similar program at Abb, I am waiting for help from my masters.

IRC5 IRB2600 Offset Programing
byrol -
May 22, 2023 at 11:01 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
You can use the Offset move instruction function, different workobjects or program displacement.
Lemster68, thank you very much for your answer, but I would be grateful if you could describe in more detail how the topic you are writing is done with an example program or how the program I am writing can be done in the way you describe.
byrol search for the documents "Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data types" and "Technical reference manual - RAPID overview"
there you will need to look up:
- instruction for Offsets - Offs and RelTool
- data type for WorkObject - wobjdata
- function for program displacement - PDispSet (and the On and Off variants)
the way to handle the instructions and functions is explained pretty good, the data type not so much, but when you define a wobj in robotstudio the structure will be shown and it should become pretty clear and
the first few pages of the Rapid overview should explain the rest of the concept -
irb1400 wit a S4C teach pendent
How do i edit or clear offsets in in rapid. IT doesn't work just deleting em or using exclamation marks. than i get reference errors