Hi friends, I need help in hooking up Lincoln 455M(10943) to Feeder 10R(K-1780-2). The welders i just received does not have regular 14/22 pin connection that goes to powerfeed. It only has 5 pin devicenet and ethernet connect(Picture attached). Can anyone please guide me how to hook these up to 10R?(Robot model is 100iB Rj3iB controller) Do I need special cable or adapter? I appreciate any help
Having problem hooking up Lincoln 455 M with 10R feeder
robotatwork -
May 17, 2021 at 6:33 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
According to Lincoln, code # 10943 does not match a PowerWave 455M. Could be code 10942 or 11943? Those are found in PowerWave Operators Manual IM762 found >here<
My guess is this model 455M may not be setup to drive the 10R feeder.
Hit to Lincoln and ask them - that would be the easiest way to check it.
The 455M may be anolog, the 10r is digital. The Lincoln I400 is the replacement and is digital.