I have a R-J2 robot that I can not seem to get to save a position in the active used frame. I set the user frame to 1 ( Shift Cord and set Uframe to 1) but when I then save a position, it saves that position in Uframe 0 ( world). Is there a variable that I am missing somewhere that "activates" the use of user frames, so every saved position does not default back to user frame 0 ( world) ? We can not do offsets in a frame, if we can not save position in a user frame. Thanks in advance for anyone that can tell me how to fix this.
I found the below information about $USEUFRAME that is exactly what my robot is doing ( using zero no matter what the frame number is set to) but I do Not have a $USEUFRAME in my system variable. Anyone know how to turn that on?
The system variable $USEUFRAME defines whether the current value of
$MNUFRAMENUM[group_no] will be assigned to the positionís user frame when it is being
recorded or touched up.
• When $USEUFRAME = FALSE , the initial recording of positions and the touching
up of positions is done with the user frame number equal to 0, regardless of the value of
• When $USEUFRAME = TRUE , the initial recording of positions is done with the positionís
user frame equal to the user frame defined by $MNUFRAMENUM[group_no]. The touching up
of positions must also be done with the positionís user frame equal to the user frame defined by