it's a basic question but i tried to figure it out but i couldn't.
How can I know the current program now ?
and how can I find the main program or the program who is call all programs.
it's a basic question but i tried to figure it out but i couldn't.
How can I know the current program now ?
and how can I find the main program or the program who is call all programs.
To find the current running program you can go to the select screen and press monitor.
To find main, start by checking menu>setup>Prog Select. Find out the program select method (PNS, RSR, Style, Other). If other, then select detail to see the Main selection. Otherwise you need to understand the UOP pns signals.
Do you know offhand how you would check if a program is running with logic? I assume Karel can do it. I know our shop has done PCDK implementations that can do it, but are you able to do it with TP?
Also, for the options above, is there any way to see the parent of the stack rather than just the program currently executing?
I don't think it is possible with TP.
for know the main program you have started, you can check the variable:
for example this TP line export the variable in the string SR[10]
(you need the karel program PK_TO_SR_FIT)
I cannot find any references to PK_TO_SR_FIT in any searches of google or Fanuc online documentation. Do you know what software option includes this program?
Hi Erik,
I don't remember where i found it...
but i have the .PC file for V9.10Controller.
I can send it to you.