Hi! I'm working on a KRC4 robot,here are some related info:
1.KSSVersion :8.3.28
2.Profinet KRC-Nexxt 3.2
3.tools:gripper and servogun
4.tool change device:ATI
The problem is that when I dockon the gripper and coupling the profinet device(USER ID:78) via KRL command :
Wait for RET==0
In most cases , it executed successful. But sometimes it's Timeout, The RET value was 1,so the robot was waiting RET ==0 until we found it's not working,but if I run this coupling KRL command again,it's always coupling successful(the RET value became 0 ). According to the manuals,the RET value means different coupling status,0 is executing successful,1 is executing Timeout,2 is internal error.why?why I need to execute the command second time?or I should optimize the dockon program:
IF the RET==1then run KRL command again.
It's like a useful idea. But my question is:
1.what is the real reason for "Timeout",the profinet cable and power supply is ok.
2.what is the difference between "the profinet device lost connection" error and profinet coupling"Timeout"?
3.how do you bros program the profinet coupling KRL Macro
Thanks for your reply and share.