I am working with the m98 s4c controller. I am using QuickTeach the a program.I have to use cross connection.Only from and to options are available in section cross conneciton.Your example from= do1 to=do2.When do1 is true ,the do2 signal becomes true.It appeares as -Lact "do1" Lres "do2" in the EİO file.The system only allows me to use one Lact (From).I want to use mor than one Lact.Is there a way to make a program like -Lact 1 "do1" and -Lact 2 "do3" -Lres "do2"?(Irc 5 allows this.)
Let do2 true(1) when do1 true(1) and do3 true(1).And or is it possible to use its doors?