Posts by paulfile
I don't know what is causing the problem. There was no communication in the system (security IO module welding machine etc.) but the controller was not faulty, all errors were cleared. All written program formats have been converted to text. I said reload files and got a cold start. The system has been fixed and is running smoothly. I felt the need to write in detail for friends who faced the same situation.
reload files kurtardi
haberleşme için kartın üstünde 2 tane anahtar var onların biri açık olacak
How did you copy your files.
They are marked as text files and not as src or dat files
Do you have more error messages - just open the window to show all of them
normally all src. and dat. was registered as such. After some operations, it turned into text.
i am getting the same error. how did you solve the problem?
I have two kuka krc4 robots. I am actively using But I did something wrong while working from one of the robots. I cannot activate the robot's drivers. waiting as 'O' on the main screen. I know it has to be 'I' for it to work. When I want to open the programs later, it looks like the picture below. The first picture is the screen of the non-working system, and the second picture is the screen of the working system. What do you think is the problem_
how do ı do this ?
For example my line this
LIN P246 Vel=0.2m/s CPDAT223 Tool[4]:A Base[0]
hi , firstly ı make save the points to the robot. But ı need a one axis sensitiv setting. I need a motion just 2 mm in z axis but all program point . How can make this ?
Thank you
While the robot is booting, the loading screen comes up but after booting, nothing appeared on the screen.The system's communications were working.So we checked the graphics card.We removed the graphic card and put it in the side slot and it worked.
I found the problem . The problem is in the slot of the graphics card.
okey , ı will try this
Hi, I need a kuka krc2 system installation. My system is not working , Windows loading screen comes up, it loads, but goes to the black screen, nothing comes up. What we can do now . I think system bomb.
Thank you so much .
This code .for example , If I want to stop the spindle while it is running auto mod, I have to do it in a submit iterpreter program, right?
Thank you for reply . So , Can ı do this another program? like submit iterpreter.
For example can ı make this output false when ı press emergency stop